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Ever wonder what it would feel like to be in the cockpit ofa fighter jet flying at high speeds andin control of the plane? Now is your chance tobe a Top Gun pilot for a day! 有没有好奇过在告诉飞行的驾驶舱内是什么感觉?现在有机会成为一天的壮志凌云的飞行员!4 u) n0 r. t8 |
7 J, C) L1 O( b- i In 2014, glispa is making this once in a lifetime experiencepossible with an exclusive contest for new and existing publishers. Winnerswill be given an all-expenses paid trip to Berlin with an excursion to a formerRed Army Base in the Czech Republic to fly a fighter jet. 2014年,这次终生难忘的体验成为可能。glispa对新的和现有的publisher发起这次独家竞赛。获奖者将免费往返和住宿柏林,和乘坐前红军基地在捷克共和国飞喷气式战斗机。
) e$ z8 P3 R7 ]3 A: cWhat you can win?% Z4 S; N% O4 |+ Y6 }' j. T t: g
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Grand prize 冠军 All expenses paid trip to Berlin and flight in a fighter jet柏林所有的花销和战斗机飞行 The grand prize winner(s) will be flown to Berlin and takenon an excursion to Plzen, Czech Republic, for a flight in an L-39 Albatrossjet. Round trip airfare to and from Berlin, travel to Plzen, and accommodationin the luxury apartment NOMADS in Berlin are included. 冠军将享有在捷克L-39 Albatross战斗机的飞行一天,在柏林中心的glispa私有高档公寓NOMADS居住,往返机票,住宿,食物和娱乐都免费享有!2 k6 Y1 ?0 I+ i4 e! P
2 I1 v% I$ w9 [8 i( U$ _4 p Second prize二等奖 4-night stay and play trip to Berlin 柏林四晚的住行玩 Winner(s) will be flown to Berlin and given four nightsaccommodation in NOMADS, the new luxury apartment inBerlin Mitte. Round trip flight to Berlin, lodging, food, and entertainmentincluded. 获奖者将享有在柏林中心的glispa私有高档公寓NOMADS住四晚,往返机票,住宿,食物和娱乐都包含在内。
2 ]7 f9 T# ~* q2 L5 e- q0 N" Z |Third prize 三等奖 2-night stay and play trip to Berlin 柏林两晚的住行玩 Winner(s) will be flown to Berlin and given two nightsaccommodation in NOMADS, the new luxury apartment inBerlin Mitte. Round trip flight to Berlin, lodging, food, and entertainmentincluded. 获奖者将享有在柏林中心的glispa私有高档公寓NOMADS住两晚,往返机票,住宿,食物和娱乐都包含在内。
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How to win?如何步步为赢?1 {' T9 q" Z9 @
\, ` M' R$ m 现有的Publisher Highest incremental growth – The publisher who has the highestlevel of incremental growth during the contest period (Feb 1 - April 30, 2014)as compared to the period of Nov 1, 2013 – Jan 31, 2014, will win the GrandPrize, and the two runners up will win the Second and Third prizes (publisherscurrently generating revenue over $10k per month are considered existing publishers). 最高的增量 – 2014年2.1到4.30期间与2013年11.1到1.31对比,最大程度的增量,将获得冠军,之后的两名分别获得二等奖和三等奖(现在一个月的revenue1万以上的被认为是现有的publisher)。7 s! n2 m- P6 H) W( j
0 l# ~4 O% ~% n+ M; W 新Publisher The publisher generating the highest revenue during thecontest period (Feb 1 - April 30, 2014) will win the Grand Prize, and the tworunners-up will win the Second and Third prizes (publishers currentlygenerating below $10k in revenue per month are considered new publishers). 2014年2.1到4.30期间revenue最高的publisher将获得冠军,后面的两名分别获得二等奖和三等奖。
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