Over the past year, Neverblue has seen significant and exciting growth, both for the company and our network. In our growth, we want to make sure our publishing clients have access to the most efficient technology. Starting today, Neverblue will be transitioning to the CAKE tracking platform so that we can provide you with increased efficiency, increased data accuracy, real-time business intelligence, and granular reporting. A large portion of existing offers are already in place, with the remainder of existing offers and a variety of new offers being activated daily. / A, O7 q- R- q$ ]2 \2 \& o
The transition requires three simple steps from you: 1) Replace your current tracking links with new tracking links from the new tracking platform; 2) Check to ensure that your third party pixels have migrated to your active campaigns on the new tracking platform; 3) Review the ‘Account Information’ tab to ensure that all of your contact and payment information is up to date. . N$ I/ V4 m; e( V
How does this affect my Neverblue account? ; n8 S0 j3 o% y# n& O S9 ?0 V
A new account has been set up for you in the new platform. Your identification number and sign in name has not changed, only your password has changed. Your new password will be sent to you proceeding this notification. The URL for the new tracking platform is network.neverblue.com. Please take note that your existing account has not been altered in anyway and will continue to track your current campaigns until you move your traffic to the new platform. : X( @$ d5 O, V) _/ \) ] g
What actions are required by me? # r4 g* ]: ]6 h
We will be sending you your new log in credentials momentarily. Once you receive your new password, you will need to log into your new account at network.neverblue.com, pull your new tracking links for promotion of any active campaigns you currently have running. These new links will need to be swapped out for your old links. If you cannot find the offer you are looking for, your Affiliate Manager is here to assist you. Both existing and new offers are being activated daily in the new platform. . g3 ~, Y# y! c. z+ z0 g& J
All third party pixels placed on a single action offer have been migrated to the new system. Pixels placed on a multiple action campaign will need to be replaced. $ N& s- ]( d4 G" Z; h3 H
While inside your new account please take a moment to review the ‘Account Information’ tab and confirm that all of your contact and banking information is up to date. 8 J( K$ I J) I
When will I need to take action by?) M/ C( v* w0 p! j4 M }7 n
January 8th, 2014 will be the last day to promote an offer with an old tracking link to ensure payment. It is recommended you change your links, review pixels and contact information before this cutoff date. % C0 i0 q D( {5 K# t) \) M
How can I get more information?. s6 t. M& |( s1 \# D+ b$ E
Please visit solutions.neverblue.com for an introductory guide to your new account. If you require further information please contact your Affiliate Manager. Affiliate Manager contact details are listed below. 2 k3 S6 L ^1 Q8 G
虽然有人发过了。。但还是把原文发一下。。。7 L- H& ^9 q$ [* I; a \- a
cake 的 domain rotation 功能。。真心爽。。。- E# \4 }, E' n2 _ R' ]