
楼主 |
发表于 2013-12-10 09:43:15
河小马 发表于 2013-12-10 09:03 $ |# @- Q3 u0 `% z5 k
amazon 具体给的什么response?
. p7 U( d; }! A% s* V. Y) d5 l# G你好,amazon 给的回复是这样的: : Q5 L8 Z2 Q& V* I$ Z3 n& ^ H
% f- x, {6 V2 H5 n" |$ ]# SHello,& w% y/ K6 @+ b7 f/ n& B
As of June 1, 2013 well only approve Facebook.com "Fan Pages" and/or "Verified" Twitter.com pages in the Associates program. All other social network sites are not eligible to add Associate links, or for use to create an Associates Account.
% y3 z J+ l( E; x6 Y6 `7 H/ o6 l+ I4 m9 I
In reviewing your website, we noticed that youve applied with a social network website. At this time, were unable to approve your application and have closed the account under which you had been temporarily approved and that approval has now ended.
K* z: @. c# g7 t2 I
& K" T' b& @3 t5 x% ~* [Thank you for your interest in Amazon.com Associates.
7 Y& y$ `( ]. {) \$ V3 [& X! L4 U7 W0 z7 G( T; U
不能用自己的网站申请? 那我的这个帐号就没用了吧, 得重新注册个新的帐号了?? |