8 s5 v0 B# ?0 oFatal error: Uncaught exception 'WURFL_Xml_PersistenceProvider_Exception' with 1 a* a3 C9 i: V$ k1 R" j0 p# a
message 'The PHP extension memcache must be installed and loaded in order to use
6 ~! t" J. ], U. nthe Memcached.' in $ ?# c0 |5 E/ p4 x6 i6 W
/home/wwwroot/default/3rd-parties/wurfl/WURFL/Storage/Memcache.php:102 Stack 0 r+ s. A2 D, ^1 o4 l4 `- E2 C
trace: #0 5 T, A2 X, c+ E: F1 j$ b
7 l1 ?5 i5 z: t. X, r! M* VWURFL_Storage_Memcache->_ensureModuleExistence() #1 2 N7 H) E. U+ w0 r, D; b9 f: ?) X) @
/home/wwwroot/default/3rd-parties/wurfl/WURFL/Storage/Memcache.php(43): / T8 o) C# l6 O: b5 j
WURFL_Storage_Memcache->initialize() #2
: @1 w4 Q' Z9 M- m. s/home/wwwroot/default/3rd-parties/wurfl/WURFL/Storage/Factory.php(43): . b8 {& K" B! \; o/ Y" |
WURFL_Storage_Memcache->__construct('host=localhost,...') #3
! i' W. \3 o t; ~* w2 ~; R" p/ `/home/wwwroot/default/3rd-parties/wurfl/WURFL/WURFLManagerFactory.php(152): : j8 j9 H1 n& o" w1 G; o
WURFL_Storage_Factory::create(Array) #4 $ a7 R; _: w: Y' I( `5 O4 I
; \" S w9 S, E Q6 F2 qWURFL_WURFLManagerFactory::cacheProvider(Array) #5
7 S' C+ y7 C8 @( w/home/wwwroot/default/3rd-parties/wurfl/WURFL/WURFLManagerFactory.php(66): 3 z) o: g0 b: T# r, }/ Q
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2 Y7 Y- L) `4 ]4 q网上搜索了一下解决办法说是要安装Memcached 但安装以后还是出现这个提示,这是什么原因? |