Squeeze page - This is a webpage that’s entirely dedicated to capturing a visitor’s name and e-mail address. This is what allows direct response marketers to build a list on the Internet … develop a relationship with that list … and then sell products and services to the prospects on that list.4 o& @+ z' i8 j s3 A3 i a0 `! w6 L! `
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Auto Responder - Automated programs which are established to return a prewritten message upon receipt of e-mail. Program will grab the return address from the “header” of the message. Typically, these programs will send out the canned message within seconds of receipt.
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SLO - Self-Liquidating offer. Pretty much means however much you spend on solo ads, you will have this offer on the other end, making almost all if not more of your money back (usually more, but we'll get into this later)
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Conversions - People who Opt-in to your email list. Basically the higher the conversion rate, the better your squeeze page is and the more sales that you make. You want to have a high converting squeeze page.. c2 D4 d5 ?4 p+ V: @
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So now that you know the basic terminology, we can get started. I will try to be as thorough as possibly.# O2 Y# R# ?9 k6 u9 g
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The Whole Idea : You want to build the biggest list possible. On average, per month, for every subscriber on your list you would make $1. If you have 100,000 people on your list, and you send out an email promoting a product where you make $50 per sale and only 2% bought it, you would make $100,000. From sending 1 email. Now obviously this is rare, but if you send emails every day, you can easily make $40,000 a month from this method alone. Now to the prices of solo ads. You can buy a click for about $0.35 on average, so say you have 25$ to start. You can buy about 71 clicks. From those 71 clicks, 28 Opt-in. They are then sent to your SLO and 2 people buy it. You will make all of your money back and more. That's an average 28$ a month just from 1 ad, and you have your money back from the SLO. Now lets say you buy some every week adding 25$ each time, but including the money you previously made. The nest week, you send out 142 ads. 56 Opt-in, and 3 sales. You made the money back plus 58 subscribers. Now you are making around 80$-90$/month. Within just 3 months, you would have about 2,500 people, and thus around 2500$/month. At 6 months, 10,000 opt-ins, 10k a month, and at just 1 year, 40k people and 40k a month. Just remember we are talking about average statistics. So could be more and some could be less; nothing is guaranteed, but it is likely you will have similar results. Some people say the money is in the list, but really the money is in your relationship with the list, so be as nice as possible and build a character that is easy to relate to. Now lets get down to business. |