当年还专门研究过他们家的股票VCLK 呢 " [" I+ n: k: W& ]$ q! R( x( u3 F' l1 I) a _/ [0 Z5 a% O1 h
他们家确实做得比较大,但是他们出手的这些网站我倒是看不出有什么可以购买的意义 ! s; ?9 c( i6 D$ k2 N# G" r" M+ d2 n7 c& D% x: v4 J
因为我曾经送过,现在也是再送很多的email 的流量到 investopedia, smarter,等等 所谓的其实是由yahoo 和 google feed 组成的全是广告的网站。。。估计 Adknowledge 是他们的大客户之一吧。。我倒是觉得adknowledge 可能会收购这些网站。。 6 @7 @* v2 X" T. L' a0 Q! L7 |0 q# n' p2 c. r5 c6 q. w
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ValueClick, one of the world’s largest digital marketing companies, has recently announced that they will be selling off a number of their web properties known as its ‘Owned & Operated’ segments. These sites include Investopedia, PriceRunner, Smarter.com, SymptomFind, CouponMountain.com and more. John Giuliani, the President and Chief Executive officer of ValueClick said the following about the decision to sell:" j% `0 r9 [4 d: l# f( l
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While we have a strong set of businesses within our O&O segment, we have concluded that they do not align with our ‘One ValueClick’ strategy of leveraging our broad set of unique data assets and differentiated technology platforms to connect consumers and brands through personalized one-to-one marketing at scale. Being able to focus entirely on our core Media and Affiliate Marketing segments, which together currently represent more than 90% of our profitability, will allow us to direct management attention and capital resources to better serve our clients, employees and shareholders. - \! i! c3 J+ L2 N7 {% R) U0 @! i( `