1. Look for photos in the profile.If there is only one photo of the individual in the whole profile it makes it quite clear that the account is fake. . M7 R$ o- \1 Y. z' w3 B
# c- x6 x8 r) J p/ J/ w5 R
2. Look for status updates,wall posts and comments.If the user hasn’t updated a status for quite a long time and hasn’t been involved in any wall posting or commenting of other statuses,it means that the profile is likely to be fake. ; N* ]7 u3 h/ n: b$ `9 v
6 `& e# _( p: n2 l2 p0 i7 f
3. Look at the recent activities.If it is that the user has just been adding randomers and making new friends,and that there are no pages liked or groups joined,it suggests that the user is determined in jst adding people and hence the profile is fake. 4 C3 Z5 I7 A0 }/ x4 j* y
- |8 _- w" H) W
4. Check out the friend list.If found that maximum of the friends are of the opposite gender,it can be assumed that the profile is used either for fun or for random dating( Z; S: S% r: O
, h: B8 y1 T: z. }
5. Check the info.If found that there is no ideal links given regarding school or education institutions or workplace and that the user is looking for dating and interested in both men and women,it shows signs of fakeness. ' N& \8 R1 Y2 l) f( `: f
9 S/ k2 I" ?8 I& e
6. Check the birthdate.Birth dates like 1/1/XX…..or……31/12/XX are common between fake accounts as it is quite unique and easy to type in., D" n' O* Q' n$ A8 \! P
: v; K U3 m9 ]
7. Fake profiles of girls usually have a contact no. in their info. Lets face it,girls harldy will have their contact no. in public.So watch out if the user exposes info that is unlikely for general users to unveil in public. # m8 g* e: P9 I. D$ ^9 Z$ X
/ J Z- [ f m7 I! O2 u( ]
8. Look out for recent wall posts,if u see loads of people asking…’THANKS FOR THE ADD….DO I KNOW YOU’……and yet the psots remains unanswered…it is bound to be a fake one.7 T& m; [, N C7 @' t
- a! d/ O) F% Y
9. Look for common tarits used in facebook,like.using applications such as farmville,pet society etc….and adding siblings.If these traits are not found among the user, the profile is highly inactive or fake.This point can’t single handedly prove the fakeness,however this will be a supporting clue along with other points. 0 Q$ I6 O; w) g# n. f6 M
$ L l `- i) D
10. If you are quite certain about the profile’s fakeness,and want to be absolutely sure, try browsing google for some random profile pictues. Fake profile pictures are usually selected frm google and while browsing through it,you might as well come upon the picture the user chose for the fake account.. P: L# r0 l; Y2 y9 W- ?
第二篇是wikihow上的,还有图,只贴个链接: ; w; ^! P- O, u( ?5 ~How to Reveal a Fake Facebook Account
http://www.wikihow.com/Reveal-a-Fake-Facebook-Account0 H2 x+ V9 v7 y$ }1 d
总结: 9 U5 K5 f ?. z- Y/ I7 R2 g以下是个人的胡思乱想,欢迎一起讨论,但是没有实践过,自己尝试的后果自负,并且欢迎回来分享自己的“血泪教训”,哈哈{:soso_e100:} ! n L+ i5 {2 g d" J u# t3 b一、上面提到的都是关于如何识别“FB社交账户”的。但是AD账号被发现可疑,被审查或自己申诉的时候,账号日常的社交活动是否正常或者可疑,应该也是很重要的参考部分。针对上面两篇文章写的条目,这部分如果要防止被怀疑,可以考虑: D; T2 L3 g1 R" f* W( ~ x; ?1. 基本个人信息看起来确实是那么回事。 * `# b) N* P% ~. F2 w# ^( `地区和IP是不是匹配;姓名、年龄、性别和自己的头像、好友分布、填写的职业是否匹配;有些信息是不是写的太随意了?头像和照片是不是随便google就搜到了?+ {0 f, d& u; M: s
: w' l/ W3 {5 p3 X1 g还曾经看到一个老外说到注意和记住自己的seeder friend,也就是你这个账号的第一个friend。好像在timeline里有体现,就是在born之后,加入facebook日期之后,第一个friend貌似会被作为一个milestone在timeline里列出来。其实我不太明白这个为啥重要,也许某些时候会用来做验证吧。 6 ]- U+ U |' S; L3 J$ V8 L" _0 r6 ` 2. 基本的社交活动是否正常。 5 N0 O/ B) k! y# y3 W+ n t6 m貌似曾经在fb的年报还是哪里看到FB把用户按活动分为好几类,其中两类是MAU(monthly active users)和DAU(daily active users)。也就是说可以猜测,账号的活动基本被监控和记录了,如果怀疑哪个账户,恐怕分分钟就可以有个此账号的统计图表之类可以调出来。所以如果只是注册个账号,然后开始AD&AFF搞起,可能根本不用审查是否是关联账号就可以判定为专门用来做广告的马甲账号。一个人多个账号或者其他用途的fake账号是不允许的,这一条就可以ban了。 & Y( C6 k) u9 d1 I, _8 L: I( Q6 ^+ {6 m' Z- `. s
如果是慢慢加好友,慢慢参与几个话题/group/page,慢慢写些内容,总之就和日常玩微博一样,积累一段时间,起码看起来就是在用这个账号玩社交,被判定为马甲的可能性低多了。 " z3 j$ x t. S' k3 ~, I3 q# z, S+ T9 [9 t/ ]- Z& E, B L6 V" \ 二、个人猜测我们账号被抓的过程可能是这样的:AD账号异常=》支付和AD功能被挂起=》申诉=》审核账号历史活动记录。 7 m9 N- j8 K9 n( T" mAD账号异常最大的可能就是登陆的IP地址和支付账单地址的地区不一致。这里我有个很大的疑问,一直没搞明白,希望知道的大侠来分享:就是我们在用信用卡或者paypal支付的时候,facebook和这些支付服务网关公司,到底通信了什么内容?比如,是不是我们在银行登记的姓名和地址是不是也发过去了?如果这样的话,根本很难作弊。先不说姓名真假,只说银行卡。假设我们只有中国信用卡或者中国银行卡绑定的paypal,那么facebook总是能得知我们的支付来源是中国。(paypal账单地址的国家部分是没法修改的,一直是注册时候选的那个地区)。( q: z6 d; T i) {0 ~* F
4 i5 V) p4 c) V9 y# g. X/ d讨论:美国fb账号+美国paypal+中国payoneer的美国银行虚拟账号是否可行。如果有真正的美国银行账号的话,貌似一切都好说了。如果没有的话,不知道用payoneer的美国银行虚拟账号可不可以。之所以有疑虑,是因为虽然注册个美国paypal号码然后绑定payoneer的美国银行虚拟账号,但是payoneer如果是国内申请的,那么相对应的美国银行账号的姓名和账单地址还是中国的。这样和FB绑定之后,不知道FB能不能获取paypal背后银行账号的真实姓名和地址。如果FB能拿到,那又露馅了。 * [( r) C+ R( n B ; q, v9 [3 Q6 [& ]2 W本人新手,只能写这些了, 好多疑惑, 希望大家一起来讨论。 / D7 w8 v# z S* ~8 w) c. V: k: r$ y: r6 I. x
$ m X% W5 z6 y; Z& p