本帖最后由 怡宝 于 2024-7-5 23:10 编辑
不知不觉已经进入酷夏,学生们开始放暑假了,打工人还在一如既往起早贪黑地摸着键盘~ 今天周五了,大家这周收获如何?这期Penny给大家推荐一类大家不常见但潜力不错的单子V P N。
1. ExpressV P N
CPA:1 month plan - $32; 6 and 12 month plan - $68
产品页A: General - ExpressV P N - Free Trial *Push Only* DYNAMIC (6&12 month plan VS 1 month) (CPA) - Global
Preview: expressV P N.com/go/features/free-trial
产品页B: ExpressV P N - Save 49% on our 12-month plan *Push Only* DYNAMIC (1 month VS 6&12 month plan) (CPA) - Globall
Preview: https://go.screenpal.com/watch/cZifipV8A3m
Description: no fraud, No brand bidding or brand keywords
2. NordV P N
NordV P N deal + Saily gift $3.39/mo $81.36 2yr plan (Straight Sales) - WW (excluding some geos)
Preview: https://app.screencast.com/qgMeVdAa9bjxd
Global except countries: China, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey
CPA: $56.00
Creatives are found here: https://nordV P N.com/affiliate-assets/
Own creatives are subject to approval.
3. PureV P N
PureV P N (CPA) - 5 years plan (82% OFF) - US, UK, CA. AU, FR, DE
Preview: purev p n.com/exclusive-discount-offer
CPA: $80.00
No SMS, email is allowed but need full option for users to opt in and out
1. VirtualShield
产品页A: VirtualShield V P N+ 1 year $96.99 DTC (Straight Sales) - United States (94268)
产品页B: VirtualShield Simple Checkout - 2 year $149.88 DTC (Straight Sales) - United States (93148)
产品页C: VirtualShield V P N+ 1 year $96.99 DTC (Straight Sales) - AU UK (94106)
Preview: https://app.screencast.com/Kp7rBDUdnLRYF
CPA 80.00
NO brand bidding. NO scare tactic, eg, your device is infected with a virus, your antivirus is expired. etc. NO fake scans.NO false claims.
2. Unlocator
Unlocator V P N - Exclusive link 2 year plan (SS - V P N) - Global
Preview: https://prnt.sc/JkfjhmVRBo3N
CPA 80.00
No SMS, email is allowed but need full option for users to opt in and out
最佳的流量类型:push, social,google, native
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