
楼主 |
发表于 2024-1-20 12:51:24
affbuying 发表于 2024-1-19 17:16
/ m7 M/ U5 ~5 \8 s( V* w以前很多人推广clicbank的时候用的激进的素材和方法,不符合平台规范而已,你的标题太猛了。
) Q [' V; P# F5 W7 b5 h( @0 ^: _6 N2 B0 O. M8 w j' q& i0 w
”we just ne ... - N- I, W# N) |0 K- ^2 ~7 W" [
Unfortunately, we cannot offer you an account at this time. For security reasons, we are unable to release specifics regarding why the system has declined your attempt to sign up and we are unable to override this type of decline.
, a& C; t' i& i" M+ `* M" d# j
5 ^# T; B7 g5 l1 V5 ~% LWe suggest trying again in 3 months as risk patterns may change. We understand the frustration, but sincerely appreciate your understanding!: Z* b4 D' U1 p, A4 q4 ?