你好,我們一直都在,如果您有任何疑問,請發送郵件至 ,我們將幫助你解决任何問題
Hello, we have been here all along. If you have any questions, please send an email to We will help you solve any proble
发表于 2024-6-14 19:43
你好,請提供您的用戶ID,我們將全力調查此事,如果你說的是事實,我們將給予補償。 絕對不會讓你損失資金。 對於您的不愉快的經歷,我們表示深深的歉意!; o5 y/ i5 G- D
Hello, please provide your user ID, and we will fully investigate this matter. If what you said is true, we will provide compensation. It will definitely not cause you to lose funds. We deeply apologize for your unpleasant experience! - l/ n( a: V, L. Y/ Z% N- |. z
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你好,我們一直都在,如果您有任何疑問,請發送郵件至 [email protected] ,我們將幫助你解决任何問題 2 m' g# y5 h: U$ n4 WHello, we have been here all along. If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected] We will help you solve any problems