( A$ M- m/ O0 m 价值百万美元的 Media Buyer 团队的培训课程,利用Facebook Ads轻松创造了亿万财富!
# S. N; E" P5 Q/ v3 j
8 s* H* s8 ?7 X! ] 2 ?% t$ U# q+ P" ]2 H0 S8 Z/ o
介绍:' P: m7 Y. D( h: k) }7 z
Steal the exact trainings I used to build a team of high performing 7 figure media buyers.
6 K3 F2 h+ U4 W9 E; O- ^ They are the foundation of my 9 figure eCom empire I’ve built over the past five years.8 W8 [+ m3 d( o l7 W# s
Whether you’re looking to train your first media buyer or your 30th…this is the best possible training on the market from someone who’s “been there, done that.”
+ y, G' }/ x r3 w: I( ~, W Countless hacks & tactics to improve your Facebook ad performance and lower your CPA.
' G, U6 h. l+ s4 ^
1 k( r8 w! }, Z0 T 目录
, K! ]& O! P' l' A9 Y* X- g
0 r0 s9 x. V2 x2 b │ └─7 Figure Media Buyer Academy9 b; e7 \- X6 p+ S. c2 A( D$ a+ J
│ ├─Module 1 - 7 Figure Media Buyer In The Making) C3 B5 \* L5 F5 K
│ │ ├─Lesson 1 - Foundations – How to Find a Perfect Media Buyer for Yourself
) K* V C) L0 n- c1 C │ │ │ How_to_Hire_a_Great_Media_Buyer.docx
: a b" o. Z# O2 N- O) F │ │ │ Lesson 1. Foundations – How to Find a Perfect Media.mkv
2 i6 a& C. [1 |! g │ │ │ Test_Task_Media_Buyer.xlsx; ~4 A+ l9 H( w: }: Q# b
│ │ │
% ]) r6 s' ?7 N: `' | │ │ ├─Lesson 2 - Day 1 - Facebook Ads Manager
1 w: z3 N; e0 i( F" j3 u& }$ e │ │ │ Lesson 2. Day 1 - Facebook Ads Manager [].mkv
3 }4 ]0 h$ `: x+ @7 ? │ │ │ Lesson_2._Day_1_TASKS.docx3 m, |+ |- q+ U$ Z9 f
│ │ │ PERFECT_Ads_Manager_Layout.docx0 c# r* O2 Q$ o( o& b
│ │ │ 0 z% C; F' n6 Y8 K4 l
│ │ ├─Lesson 3 - Day 2 - Interest Testing – 3 Best Strategies to Utilize for Interest Targeting
1 g1 ?' ` a6 f3 J8 ? J │ │ │ Lesson_3._Day_2_TASKS.docx
' N- {2 P2 L8 \; y B& X3 U │ │ │ ; m. G# T: k; }/ B1 s
│ │ ├─Lesson 4 - Part 1. Day 3 – FULL Ads Creation Setup – How to Make ads that SELL7 q1 _5 ]6 V3 A! y8 a5 O
│ │ │ How_to_Make_Creatives_that_SELL.docx
$ x J! r' D: q: q; O; B5 ]- q; d │ │ │ Lesson_4._Day_3_TASKS.docx
4 v" y c4 N3 M5 m! z8 \ │ │ │ UGC_Cheatsheet.docx, y1 \, ?, Z: T6 Q( I* I
│ │ │
) ~. U& ?/ i+ ]" l │ │ ├─Lesson 4 - Part 2. Day 4 – FULL Ads Creation Setup – Make Ads that SELL by Yourself
: V+ H' E4 l' k; o3 _/ a │ │ │ How_to_Make_Creatives_that_SELL.docx
& a1 f/ ^" V" P2 N& Y │ │ │ Lesson_4._Day_3_TASKS.docx2 e* _0 t: b6 {# d+ Q9 X7 A
│ │ │ UGC_Cheatsheet.docx
/ k/ K& Y- A0 w% q1 V7 v5 f" j$ a9 X- D │ │ │ 9 q# {! Q' |9 K; t, w' } ~
│ │ ├─Lesson 5 - Part 1. Day 5 – Expert LLA Creation Framework – What LLAs to Use and HOW to Make them
5 X& G- K0 K9 E% R* t f8 U │ │ │ Lesson_5._Day_5_TASKS.docx' R w6 C. z, b7 O% n/ Y
│ │ │
. L3 Y) Y* X4 u) n- r6 L │ │ ├─Lesson 5 - Part 2. Day 6 – Expert LLA Utilization Framework% r: k! D; O* p2 j
│ │ │ Advanced_LLA_Creation_Cheatsheet.docx
, D3 B7 T) a2 P3 }/ ^7 U; d, E _ │ │ │ Lesson 5 Part 2. Day 6 – Expert LLA Utilization Framework.mkv$ A3 r, v, P) F3 G* W- g6 ?
│ │ │ Lesson_5._Day_5_TASKS.docx) Y9 f$ X, W6 D: L) p# a
│ │ │
- d, A, W9 D9 T2 Q# a0 ^( q: ]; s: A) B │ │ ├─Lesson 6 - Day 7 – The Ultimate RETARGETING Formula! v; f- K/ s! _' F2 W7 n
│ │ │ Lesson 6. Day 7 – The Ultimate RETARGETING Formula [].mkv
( S7 `' i) ?; c2 ]/ j8 E; v1 y! c │ │ │ Lesson_6._Day_7_TASKS.docx3 D8 [$ A1 u$ k0 B! m) d( B
│ │ │ Ultimate_Retargeting_Cheatsheet.docx
; V S0 f, ~2 R" b! z# X& R' h) Q │ │ │ 1 u, y( Z) T6 v: Y
│ │ ├─Lesson 7 - Day 8 – The CBO Blueprint Short Version! K; m. R! Z, r5 U" @( q1 V7 l
│ │ │ CBO_PRO_Testing_Cheatsheet.docx/ G1 H1 D0 T4 l3 u g
│ │ │ Lesson 7. Day 8 – The CBO Blueprint Short Version [].mkv
/ z- |# e5 ^) \8 N8 j │ │ │ Lesson_7._Day_8_TASKS.docx
. j, q! n# K" h( X8 Q3 W │ │ │
( K3 K9 k9 g) V" o; }4 H- i │ │ └─Lesson 8 - Day 9 – Optimization and Scaling
! [) P5 x5 A& V1 v5 Q' P& N+ q │ │ Fb_Ads_Scaling_Cheatsheet_-_REAL_Case_Study.docx9 j- x. C1 i) Y
│ │ Lesson 8. Day 9 – Optimization and Scaling [].mkv7 s0 S( n( m4 q) h
│ │ Lesson_8._Day_9_TASKS.docx
* C! c9 S" g! ]1 [- P8 @0 ^+ T │ │ Optimization_Cheatsheet.docx* _$ C4 `# L9 s
│ │
* t2 y; K) t' w, \, J$ u │ ├─Module 2 - Entrepreneurial Mindset Shift Paradigm0 V1 J- D" G* E
│ │ Hyper_Profit_Maximization_SOP.docx& v, l7 \! G; v
│ │ Lesson 10. –Facing the Ultimate Enemy.mp4
& U' W. r2 F8 U/ D1 G& q8 Q) O2 q │ │ Lesson 9. My Story – How a Ukrainian Freelancer Became a 9-Figure Businessman.mp4" o+ ]/ b0 o; W/ \
│ │ Lesson11.–Seeing the FULL Picture.mp4
4 K7 C/ ^8 m1 c# |2 S1 l │ │ Lesson12. – Entrepreneurial Health Hacks.mp4 m3 c* ~/ [6 ?$ n1 W. o
│ │ Lesson13. – Building With The ENDING In Mind.mp4) l& P0 z& K9 f8 ?0 `8 T: a. z
│ │ Lesson14. – Radical Openmindness.mp4% l A% l' n. z ]
│ │ Lesson15. – Exploiting the WOP [].mkv
7 |* Q& B* ]5 {9 n5 R% f │ │ Lesson16. – Business vs. Gig [].mkv5 r- x: ?+ M1 d. u0 w
│ │ Lesson17.– The Truth About Scale [].mkv
0 L; e2 E1 ]/ y _/ C" \' `( O │ │ Lesson18 – Profit-Hyper Optimization Framework [].mkv) O& s! o4 |1 `! h
│ │ . q% k5 }8 {- m ]3 c1 f
│ ├─Module 3 - Facebook Troubleshooting Guide
( C( \" L. n1 R, l" Z │ │ ├─Lesson 19. – Have Your BM and Ads Account SAFE2 C- T; E4 l4 i, o' \
│ │ │ Lesson 19. – Have Your BM and Ads Account SAFE [].mkv+ P( N+ D& n1 F6 r: `6 l" @
│ │ │ Ultimate_Account_Safety_Cheat_Sheet_v1.pdf5 M& G1 _; D" N' b% O& S
│ │ │
$ q. l6 c* W" |) ^5 r. S1 A │ │ ├─Lesson 20. –Sourcing Pages with NO Feedback Score
! ~" P* V0 T* Y+ h5 S5 M; j; H │ │ │ Creating_a_PAGE_with_NO_FEEDBACK_SCORE.pdf
+ A# C9 }9 N- Y. R" ~( i │ │ │ Lesson 20. –Sourcing Pages with NO Feedback Score [].mkv
2 U! A& N! t3 n. k0 ~9 [4 A7 S │ │ │
+ [2 L4 Y( q' e │ │ ├─Lesson 21.–Planning Cashflow- e: o" O" O- u2 f! @/ Z$ b
│ │ │ Lesson 21.–Planning Cashflow [].mkv0 [3 m& W# d: I0 u
│ │ │ . N( _0 u$ m# M" \$ M# a( Q# _
│ │ ├─Lesson 22. – Getting Extra Suppliers6 W$ y' i: R; U* Y& N6 o2 ]
│ │ │ Lesson 22. – Getting Extra Suppliers [].mkv
! X& O- Y T1 M) i$ D │ │ │ Supplier.txt/ \2 H4 j a u! L
│ │ │
$ ^% k& K9 Y+ @: K" Q" f6 `, G6 ? │ │ └─Lesson 23. – Sourcing UGC
! _$ ?% Z; j, f: g4 T │ │ Lesson 23. – Sourcing UGC [].mkv
' p2 m" {$ |6 T1 |" K │ │ UGC_Cheatsheet.docx
, i0 ^) V7 v) t8 A, M& C! C │ │
q! G* j+ Y R1 O7 U' t3 j │ ├─Module 4 - Bonus - Choose YOUR Online Sales Funnel$ S+ t" O# P* \ Q+ ~
│ │ Lesson 24. – Standard eCom Sales Funnel (Front-End Profit) [].mkv; k4 e W/ X, R. Z! O5 l7 }! l/ a
│ │ Lesson 25. –Free+Shipping (Invest to Grow Fast) [].mkv
9 q$ S. ]* j" m2 T+ O │ │ Lesson 26.–Subscription (Build a SUSTAINABLE Revenue Stream) [].mkv
1 w' l: ^- F2 U, I" c4 y │ │ Lesson 27. – Automated Webinar (Don’t Deal with Shipping_Inventory_Suppliers) [].mkv
$ y8 V B+ a6 b8 ^; x │ │ Lesson 28. – High-End Product Sale (Blow Your Margins to the Skies) [].mkv
6 h4 |& c: C. _' S1 b │ │
2 R8 T) X/ A6 d- N: W* g2 Y │ └─Module 5 - IOS 14 Solution With Shopify UTM
( }# d# t6 ^ V9 _/ S( D" ? │ ├─1. Multi-Pixel & Google Analytics Overview
; i3 X; Q) E: c; r7 H- J1 m │ │ 1. Multi-Pixel & Google Analytics Overview [].mkv7 A$ T1 m y* h
│ │ Facebook Ads Tracking - IOS 14 (Multi Pixel & GA).docx6 v. u, `$ r5 ^# U( w0 i
│ │ How To Set Up Google Analytics For Facebook Tracking.docx
& z2 g. C4 q6 q4 Z7 w │ │ How To Solve IOS 14 Tracking Issues With Zapier.docx
: ^* k6 P# {) p2 k% B1 W │ │ 5 T! x& B {$ ]
│ ├─2. How To Connect Google Analytics To Shopify (Step By Step)7 l* ?9 ]: u5 s
│ │ How To Connect Google Analytics To Shopify (Step By Step).mkv& x# \# W$ ?9 G0 [8 c( u2 ^/ E
│ │ , L' l9 B# H; L- G% d
│ ├─3. Managing Your Ads With Shopify UTM
; x6 P* c# T: Z │ │ Copy of ROAS_CPA calculator.xlsx
/ Y6 E O" \ H6 \ │ │ Managing Your Ads With Shopify UTM [].mkv
" T& F2 b$ j: Y- C3 J1 F3 R! b │ │ Shopify Analytics UTM Overview.docx
N6 T" J2 Y# k5 L! B* C# ^ │ │
1 v! }, l& M/ v& V4 @) K │ ├─4. Managing Your Ads With Google Analytics
& P; k9 {" g k. g2 w6 Q' j! { │ │ Managing Your Ads With Google Analytics [].mkv
, p' A( e- [: J" \% K. g6 A │ │
5 F0 Q- q6 b% e │ └─5. SuperMetrics & Hyros
: n3 q4 e1 c* }" l │ SuperMetrics & Hyros [].mkv 复制代码 . }2 B2 P$ T# f) B9 e/ P+ D
* t$ c: h* U0 B7 K
( f5 M" K3 O1 n5 a
" z; h8 y: ~5 E6 v* A+ {; l