发表于 2013-9-23 20:59:48
不可否认这里应该是中国同行中最好的了。% C( |7 o% N' d9 L/ Y
没人要求那么苛刻,一定要求做到完美。只是看到最近大量的攻击,揭底的东西有感而已。% u. l& T# `, D; q9 K" @/ f
( N. t5 ^" L9 S; n D: {只是希望这里别滋生这种负面的以及不好的风气。1 @7 u! K" P/ ?3 F& z! I G' z2 G
% K( f1 X! e& u0 t0 O无规则不成方圆,还是希望管理者们能够把大家往好的方向引领。我就把imgrind的规则拷贝过来,虽然比较霸道,但是有些还是可以参考借鉴的。/ R/ s+ A& G2 g+ F$ u% U
% M9 V" C$ ]1 b; nAlright these are the rules. I'll be blunt and to the point. Chances are you know Ryan and/or myself from around the web, and Industry Tradeshow or seen a few of the beat-downs in Wickedfire. Whatever the case maybe, I assure you, it's a completely different ballgame here in IM Grind. Ryan and I will not, we refuse to have our time wasted. Ohh wait, you pay a membership fee each month? Guess what, if you waste my time, I'll throw your members fee back at you before you even know you've been banned.
, c9 D! |( t0 j7 F
0 b; \" a$ Z' Y V+ |# @9 P! S; xRead and follow - Usually forums have a 3 strikes limit or some crap like that. At IM Grind, you only fuck up once. When you do fuck up, you're gone. Simple as that. Nobody is an exception and I promise you, I WILL make examples out of idiots here an there. We work too hard for a jerkoff to waste our or anyone else's time.
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7 k! Q# R7 S8 E& Z/ MRules To Follow:% g+ Z8 P M7 v/ F, }3 j& ^( s$ {
( N# o4 A( a( x7 e2 L1. No Private Messaging - There's no reason to PM someone here. You're here to learn and once you have learned, then it's time to implement. I do not want bullshit chatter back and forth, and I damn sure do not want our inboxes full of newbs asking for 1-on-1 Coaching or took have a look at their lander. No, we are past that shit. You take that to another forum. Ryan and I are not the guys you giving campaign details too, it's that simple. We are here to help with what time we can devote to the community but remember, we are marketers as well and I own Convert2Media and Ryan consults a lot of our top Affiliates., `& c- K! y5 j. A, L X
5 Z8 p. Y$ y4 Y, U1 B7 U& b
2. No Signature Links - I do not care about your Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin. Let me re-phrase that, I do care but our Social details can be found all over the site. Go to each social network and contact us thru their please. Ryan and I are highly organized and will not allow social shit in everyone's signature. We also will not allow any promotion at all in signature links. Read #3 for more details.
2 O$ K6 p. D' K) D. D- j. b' F5 a6 ~1 k9 O2 s: Q. E* o" ]
3. No Promotions Allowed - Do not put a promotion in your signature. You will last for about one post....maybe. I have my reasons for not allowing it, mainly Ryan and I are marketers so any promotions going on, are going to be coming from us. If it's a problem, contact me so I can cancel your membership.; B2 ?6 E- i' C
) V* X) V/ h: }1 Q; }' z1 |3 O0 t4. No Network Spamming - I already know network owners and affiliate managers are members here and will continue to send their minions here to gobble the information. Dont worry about that. I'll embarrass them all when the opportunity arises. Network Owners and Managers, you are on a very thin line here. I get along with alot of you but make no mistake this is not like the other forums. Please dont screw up./ V* T U: G) h5 }9 l, e
& t' t0 l% W2 Q0 k# P
5. Watch Your Language And Talking To Others - Don't post anything that you know will contain any excessive verbal abuse towards another member of the forum that he/she may find overly offensive or not funny. Do not ever make the mistake of attacking Ryan, me or any other member for any reason. If you have a problem, either bring it to us or go post hate outside the forums on the interwebz.1 q6 a: m) h( N' ]$ d. T7 t
& r; }# u2 ~* e j6. No porn, racial slurs, under-age misappropriation or degrading of another member. I dont care if it's a joke. It's not a joke in this forum, it's a lifetime ban.
! [4 s4 b7 H2 @8 W& v) Y0 b3 i6 Y) d6 T2 z
7. No Politics Or Religion. Period.
; }+ s$ b. q ]7 k* g& B3 E( k5 K8 I& M: M# C$ K
8. If you see a post you may think is in violation, please report to Ryan or myself.8 \7 U; }# I! N
. E1 ?8 ~" r# C3 X
9. Affiliate Links In The Forum - Yes, Ryan and myself are marketers. If you happen to come across a review, comparison or recommendation, we stake our reputations on it and if that's not enough to pay it forward to us, that is your choice. A poor one, but your choice that we respect nonetheless. However, there are and will be affiliate links within the forum and if you do order through one of them, you personally have Ryan and myself to help you with any questions you may have regarding the program/software/affiliate program.. A2 W8 Z8 v6 W) s/ s# w: p
! I8 T" V: g9 H ^10. Whitepapers - The whitepapers we publish are free to forum members unless otherwise stated. Some of the things we write about are limited to just a number of people so when they go live for download, it's first come first serve.
4 T% E; n. h) l6 F& j2 `3 n, g3 w; I- h$ X& s- c* a' m9 h
11. Sharing Information Outside The Forum - I'm a member of 2 dozen forums online and around a dozen IRC chatrooms. I was a former moderator at BlackhatWorld and am an active member of IJ Digital and an active Moderator at Wickedfire. If I ever catch any of the information from this forum shared, not only am I having my legal counsel go for restitution and whatever court case I can make out of it, I'll personally put your personal information on display for the entire world to see. Many have tested me, and lost multi-million dollar businesses over what they thought I was bluffing on. Chances are, if you are in this forum, you already know some of these things. Don't do it.
, x5 h) I7 A/ Y7 h6 A2 L1 C" M# @5 ^5 t$ Q0 o, @4 u+ k3 a0 R4 K$ h4 W- H
12. Here To Learn, Dont Jerk Around - Do not post newb threads unless you are serious. If you post what you did on vacation, you're gone. If you post anything outside of common sense, you're gone. No 2nd strike. This is a community of some of the most intelligent marketers in the world. Do not tarnish the reputation with bullshit. |