收到了亚马逊的一邮件,内容如下./ S- f Y! e, J3 B
有遇到过的同样情况的朋友吗?最后是怎么解决的?谢谢大家!!! 7 b& g8 h8 I9 j1 T1 }8 _! q% \$ ?, n: c! w7 N
2 s: m1 z. l% B) _5 ~ 3 v9 f1 _, [+ c+ m; _1 tDear Amazon Associate, + }* V1 t3 k8 P+ h4 L& z5 p, a1 X
/ F# D. a2 Z; }& p; y# F5 C+ u' R0 VWe have recently made payments to Associates for the commission income earned in the program during the month of April 2022. However, we were unable to pay you because of one of the following reasons: , ?! K1 J) v) }% n* Preferred method for receiving payment (eg; EFT, Check or Gift Card) was not indicated ( s0 j( a7 ^# |8 c9 H5 j0 ^, e- s* EFT was indicated but a previous disbursement into your bank account failed / E' S% |& o( n8 j2 A9 ^ x# b* You have not completed mandatory tax interview or tax information needs to be updated. 5 ]# M6 q' N+ H5 g; k4 a! {
* We will not be able to pay you if you indicated while taking the tax information interview that you provide your services both inside and outside the United States. This means that you are physically present inside the United States for part, but not all, of the time you are doing business with the Amazon Associates program. Merely being a member of the Amazon Associates US program does not mean that you supply your services both inside and outside the United States. You can retake the TAX information interview and answer the question as 'No' if you think you answered the question as 'Yes' in error. ' l4 R# N/ L( V4 Y) w' R8 P. P0 K6 p2 |, t6 _: [/ e
' R2 {9 T. ^9 ?* M: f+ k* _
以前没有遇到过问题,怎么会出现问题呢?和亚马逊联系如何写内容呢?谢谢!!!' N) h- W; c' i% B: S' T/ `; c; }
& U ~8 Z( b2 X% I9 E8 y7 Z 9 D2 y' }# y& L1 P, ] \
我己更新了税表,但是亚马逊后台还显示Before we can pay you, we must have your Payment Information, Please ignore this message if Payment Information if already submitted. 如下图
发表于 2023-6-4 18:16
$ W" W. T6 N3 H6 h8 D% z我己更新了税表,但是亚马逊后台还显示Before we can pay you, we must have your Payment Information, Please ignore this message if Payment Information if already submitted. 如下图 9 ^8 g ]$ L. A+ p5 _+ b N- ]我也没收到亚马逊的邮件,亚马逊会不会不知道我更新了税表,我用不用给亚马逊发个邮件?' E# r+ p3 g' N" t. [' V1 c
谢谢! & N3 M' r- I) O, M+ {/ [0 S# E" f! D1 r
8 s( v( g1 F" n8 A5 Z& s2 f9 {( Q6 A. z. O
! h ?8 E( @8 _" `2 c4 q. ? : T$ T$ L" f* E% y7 y( ^; G$ u- V i9 K2 K
* p. W/ D! m; O2 [5 `8 L ) x; g \3 N9 e( o5 K, a- R