: j5 b, C2 t' I; L" M" V; m' D0 q% v2、治疗方法:饲养者需要立刻进行供氧,保证水中溶氧量的充足。这样能缓解它们肠道系统所承受的压力。 , |0 o: m' e4 E4 \! ^# P 6 q! z# L, s9 \4 E$ k三、趴在缸底7 H* p+ U* Z s" Y' O
1、表现:金鱼吃撑后会趴在缸底不愿游动,同时伴随着食欲不振的现象出现。 $ g$ [1 z k1 z0 Z + H& G. I. M+ s) \. g8 p3 F2、治疗方法:饲养者需要加强缸内的过滤系统,保证水质的洁净。可以制造一些小水流进行刺激,保证它们的活跃程度。# k% ?7 X. q1 y& Y
+ D& h' ^4 [* b' K( h6 g四、翻肚皮7 ]5 m0 }5 G3 s+ a3 A& o
1、表现:金鱼吃的过撑会使它们出现翻肚皮的情况。这种情况已经对它们的消化系统造成严重伤害,如果不及时治疗就会危及它们的生命。6 o& j# v4 T; I* x; `& a
" k2 {5 }# \' d2、治疗方法:饲养者需要停止投喂食物,同时升高2度左右的水温,每天更换四分之一的新水。另外可以使用庆大霉素溶于水中进行药浴治疗,一般三天即可恢复。 % |# ]) N' P6 @3 ?* a" }- { 5 _/ r( \4 H* g- O) }7 ~ . Q) K9 u# h8 l- b, R. P; M# `When goldfish eat too much, they may show signs of barrel-riding, swimming on their sides, lying on the bottom of the tank, and flipping their bellies. If they are found to have white or yellow stools, it means that they are overfed. This can be very damaging to their digestive system and intestines. Feeders should feed reasonably and keep a good feeding habit, following the principle of less food but more meals. In this way, overfeeding will no longer occur.' ?8 S1 j5 K+ T, `$ l* Q
G( O% [ F& Q* D/ v3 Q/ @1. Barrel-riding: Overfed goldfish may rub against the walls of the tank, accompanied by listless behavior. Treatment: Change the water to stimulate their digestive system. Be careful not to make the temperature difference between the new and old water too large, keep it within 2 degrees. Maintaining this for three days or so can effectively relieve their barrel-riding.& \% Q7 l; u' o6 u( g) Z9 k3 ]6 P
7 Z6 u: H6 n8 q0 \" [( L- d
2. Swimming on their sides: Goldfish that are overfed swim slowly and present with side swimming. Treatment: Immediately provide oxygen to ensure adequate dissolved oxygen in the water. This can relieve the pressure on their intestinal system. / Q3 b9 ]) e8 j4 c2 w! v" y& n1 o
3. Lying on the bottom: Overfed goldfish may lie on the bottom of the tank and become disinterested in eating. Treatment: Strengthen the filtration system in the tank to ensure clean water quality. Create small currents for stimulation and ensure their activity level. & }9 d4 d6 p: q* x' _ ' H: P% q" m( p# t$ N0 {4. Flipping their bellies: Eating too much causes goldfish to flip their bellies. This has caused serious damage to their digestive system, and if not treated in time, it can endanger their lives. Treatment: Stop feeding immediately and raise the water temperature by about 2°C, change the water by a quarter every day. You can also use gentamycin dissolved in water for bath treatment, usually three days is enough to recover.% H% u2 ?+ e/ B. B, Y8 L