都说content is the king, 论坛里也有不少人分享了自己改写的心得,还有Yoo版的网站内容拼凑大法,这个我试了,真心干不了,一句句拼下来,整篇文章惨不忍睹,而且有的时候找不到刚好合适可以拼的。还是改写吧,说到改写,坛子里分享的内容都不是很性福,都是点到即止,还有那些用软件spin的,这些都不是长久的办法啊,还是手工持久一些吧。+ ^+ Z$ W4 i! W. r& r% z2 w! s
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Better Sleep Guidelines5 y# ~# B3 T: F n: y
- S p( @0 T% V% f3 VWith a few simple guidelines, you can havebetter sleep tonight. At some point in our lives, for any number of reasons,nearly all of us will have difficulties sleeping and suffer from acuteinsomnia. This can lead to significant distress, but have no fear! There aresimple steps to take that will help you sleep better tonight. 1. Aim to get up and go to bed at the sametime every day, even on weekends.
. J+ j7 H/ O- m1 y; A9 n* ?We are creatures of habit, and our sleep isno exception. Once you determine your sleep needs, you should do your best tomeet those needs every day. By consistently going to bed and getting up at thesame time, we condition our body to follow a regular pattern of sleep. Thisallows our body’s natural clock, called a circadian rhythm, to help initiateand maintain our sleep.
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Healthy Tips for a Sound Sleep
, w7 M0 n0 @' O6 d. hStill suffering from acute insomnia? Itis harmful for your health but don’t be sacred yet. With some simple healthy tips, youcan get your sleep back, from tonight! 1. Always keep the same time of gettingsleep, from Monday to Sunday. It may be one of the healthiest habitswhich we could tell, after you set this bio-clock naturally, you can easilyseize your sleep back. We do know that this habit is hard to keep on yourweekends or holidays, but if you can insist continuously, your body will followthe sleep pattern regularly. Call it circadian rhythm or natural clock, it is thefirst thing to help you to start and keep a good sleep every night.
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