今天想跑一下Zeydoo试试,从来没跑过,客服说:! N/ o1 k% ]7 W
Dear publisher, due you are newbie in our network we couldn’t share you access for all our offers before we won’t see quality of your traffic. Please show your traffic quality with our own offers – surveys: ID 2025, 2061, 2755. Once you spend the test cap – 300$, we will check the quality and will share you access for other offers also. Thank you for understanding!
. r; ?: X2 l. B7 r8 U5 f) g6 w
8 E6 ?* H+ b4 f. N; c1 G3 |意思就是我必须跑他们指定的offer直到revenue满300美元。
$ R/ p6 d; p! R: g2 r0 z# b$ k! s0 R; M
8 v' r- r" |& r n" B; C; Q+ y
我就有几个问题:3 r% f( E2 U- }7 ?
1. 这几个offer会不会就不好,根本跑不到300美元
' Q0 B5 j2 C/ L# U9 Q; I2. 我跑到100多美元,不想跑了,可以提现吗) v3 `# h6 ]+ k2 a) h, n
3. survey类的好跑吗?! {3 x: }2 `- R1 {
4. 他们说不给新人配AM,影响大么?* T# P5 H5 e) n4 c
) }+ f! B4 S. n l4 |; h谢谢各位大神。" T: G, O6 I. S8 F' f