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Additional monetization of traffic in 2022









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2022-5-31 20:51:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lets to talk about additional monetization and the following instuments to use:
  • Subscription database
  • Content sharing.
  • Collecting more user data.
  • Segmenting your audience for retargeting.
  • Traffic monetization with Binom teaser rotation.
1.Subscription database
Note: Skip block a if sites often get censored or banned in your country (like in Russia and Belarus). I do not recommend moving your audience to various social channels (VK, Telegram, etc.) or content hubs (like Yandex Zen). You will be okay only with email and push subscriptions. You risk losing your whole audience if a channel/social network is banned in your location.

a. Following on social media
If you create killer copy, don’t hesitate to invite your readers to follow your channel/group on social media or in messengers.
b. Email subscription
Offer to subscribe to an email newsletter to get relevant updates.
c. Push subscription
Offer to receive notifications about new posts. I do not recommend showing a subscription prompt immediately when the user opens your site. Target a warmer audience. For instance, those who finished reading the article or clicked on a Subscribe button.

2.Content sharing
It’s surprising, but most webmasters tend to neglect or underestimate this basic monetization tool. Important note: don’t use third-party content sharing scripts and buttons that you can find on most social networks. This will protect your privacy (no third parties can collect your audience’s data), shield your site from attacks (never trust third-party scripts, you have no idea of their content), and keep the loading speed stable (you control the loading speed for all scripts and libraries yourself).
Use direct links, for example:
Content sharing will be more efficient if you use Binom analytics tools. While sharing content, add user’s “clickid” to your link. This will enable repost tracking. Also, this transmits the successful repost event to the tracker. We can also track the part of the audience that does not convert on the site but stays active by sharing information via social media and messengers.
For example: If you use integrated landers, add “spost={clickid}” to your sharing links.{clickid}

3.Collecting more user data
There are some legal aspects to this approach: you need to notify users that you collect their data, and in some countries, you also need an expressed user consent to do that. You also need to ensure the safety of the data.
We can receive and transmit basic information about the user (like gender, age, and region) in tags while buying traffic on social networks. We can also transmit some targeting options like “parents of kids under 3”. Binom tracker also has some valuable parameters like the phone model, browser, language settings, provider, advertising platform/domain, etc.
Ways to collect additional data:

3.1. Behavior-based data
Can one be sure that a person who clicks on a credit card ads is truly interested in ordering one?
There are ad blocks that suddenly appear right under the mouse pointer or invisible ad blocks that follow the pointer, so there is a pretty tall chance for false clicks. Assess the interest of users towards the offer by the read-through rate of your articles and social engagement factors (likes and shares).
Again, can you be sure that a person who has finished your article but did not make an order right away will make a purchase in the future?
No, it’s unlikely. If you have described all the advantages of the product in the article and user still did not convert, then he is not interested or had already converted. The best way to evaluate interest is by clicks.
Mark the articles a user has already seen, so you wouldn’t display them twice.

3.2. Data from polls/quizzes
When you can’t get enough data from an ad platform to target the best share of the audience, try asking the users directly.
For example, this is how I would do it for a credit card offer:
Age of the user. If the user is too young/old, I would direct him to a different product instead of pitching a credit solution that he will be denied in the end.
Employment and level of income. If a user is currently unemployed or attends a university, then it’s better to offer him a part-time job instead of a loan that will not be approved by the bank.
The level of debt load. If it’s high, a person will definitely not get a loan. Better redirect this user to a personal bankruptcy product.

4. Segmenting your audience for retargeting
Once you have performed steps 1–3, you will have obtained ample opportunities for audience segmentation and retargeting.
Here’s how I would do it:
  • Launch a campaign to collect the initial data for your database. Target this campaign only to new users who have just discovered your site.
  • Your tracking pixels should grab those visitors who have not subscribed via push or email:
    • Have an interest in the niche, but not this particular product. These are the people who have read through the page but did not click.
    • Have an interest in this product. These are the people who have clicked on the offer but did not buy the product.
    • The buyers. Those who have purchased the product.
  • Now we set a remarketing campaign for these three segments of the audience:
    • Display another offer from the same niche and choose a product that looks different. For example, a credit card with miles as a bonus.
    • Display an ad of the same offer or warm them up a bit with a different pre-lander.
    • Display an ad from a similar niche. For instance, a cashback service.

The same rules can be applied to both email and push databases.

5. Traffic monetization with Binom teaser rotation
While reading your article, some people will make a click and go to the offers page, others will subscribe via push/email. But there will be a slice that has not converted in any way. What can we do?
We could use Google Ads blocks, hoping to earn at least something for these leads. Or we could use native ad2bid from MGID, but this would mean losing our audience’s trust because they have been looking for something pretty serious — and now they will see ugly pages plastered with aggressive teaser ads. But we have already collected rich user data, so we can create a teaser wall from scratch using Binom. We will need a freshly installed Binom tracker, some niche landers, and patience.
Suppose that we have 4 niches: credit cards, bankruptcy, cash loans, and payday loans.
*Work on the main tracker*
STEP 1. Create a new traffic source.
Insert your: ={externalid}&payout={payout} in the post-back URL.

In the AdvancedSetting, set “Send only approved post-back”.
And set the following parameters for the tokens.
STEP 2: Now, create paths for our articles. Create ad campaigns for each niche. Select “Smart rotation” and a traffic source with the configured post-back. Create a rule for the Teaser token.
Thus, we get a URL to YourDomain/click.php?key=creditcard&ExID={clickid}&domain={real_domain}&TID={lander}

*Next, go to the teaser tracker*
STEP 3: Initial setup. Since Binom mostly works with cookies, we will have to modify some settings in our tracker so that all data is correctly recorded.
  • Clicks on teasers (Replacing LP Clicks). Hide the LP Clicks parameter and create a new parameter, for example, lpClick. We record this event in event_1
  • CTR of teasers (Replacing LP CTR). Hide LP CTR, and create a new lpCTR with the formula event_1/clicks*100. Format %. 2 decimal places.
STEP 4: We make a template for the rotation of teasers. For each niche, in Binom → Offers we create 4 empty “offers” and name them like the 4 niches we have selected. Make sure to tick the Auto and Upsell boxes in the Payout section.
STEP 5: Create the teasers. It is best to make adaptive teasers, for example on CSS Grid. All teasers will be “integrated landing pages”, so make sure to insert a link to the path from the main tracker.
STEP 6: Upload the teasers to the tracker. Upload the archives with teasers directly to the Landing pages section in Binom.
STEP 7: Create a smart-link for the teaser rotation. Creating a campaign with SmartRotation path&lp&offer. Each new path is one of our niches. Each lander within a path is a teaser from the Step 5. Use our empty “offers” from Step 2 as offers here. Save the campaign and get a campaign key. For example key=smart-rotator
STEP 8. Slice the block for our teaser wall. Create a universal adaptive block for teasers. All teasers will be loaded in frames with a key from Step 6. Use a smart loading of teasers, so that real impressions will be recorded in the visible area of the screen. You can use a ready-made solution or adapt it for your purposes. For example, here I have a block of six 300×310 teasers. The code can be found here:
STEP 9. Done, you are good to go. Start split-testing.
What we got in the end:
  • The number of real impressions from teasers thanks to a “lazy” loading of the ads.
  • The actual CTR and number of clicks, despite the fact that Binom mostly relies on cookies.
  • When one of the niches converts, it is removed from the rotation.
  • Smart rotation will show only new teasers to the same user.
  • You can scale this flow by adding more niches.


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