This information cannot be edited onto your document and has to appear on it without tampering with it. You will have to provide us with any other documentation, either in the form of a digital image of a government issued ID card, bank statement, or telephone bill displaying your payee name and mailing address as it appears in your account. & b9 S+ K% d7 l' g) Q3 H* w' o- F& y9 S% c3 `" d* W' E 刚人工审核,可是身份证上的地址跟现在的地址不一样,所以要我提供电话对账单和银行账单,可是电话账单和银行对账单上根本不显示地址和名字,这个要怎么弄呢?要怎么提交呢? : U4 C3 w* j0 l% k* D4 q