
楼主 |
发表于 2013-9-1 23:03:25
5 H! Y0 o6 b" L4 m4 E% Y, JIn a site where the transfer between domains is done by opening a new window or by including content in an iFrame, you will need to to use the _getLinkerUrl() method to transfer visitor and campaign cookies from one domain to another. For example, suppose you include a form in an iFrame that is hosted on www.my-example-iframecontent.com. In order to transfer visitor information from the parent page that hosts the iFrame on www.example-parent.com, you would use JavaScript to load the iFrame and pass in the cookie information using the _getLinkerURL() method.
4 C5 ?# @! X) H; q所以iframe应该不是这么通用的 ,我这个是利用了google自己的上传,直接拦截的 & ^; i5 }6 e+ c; a6 ]
从自己访问过的网站,尤其是所有的google搜索的关键词, 我觉得可以分析出一些东西,具体的一些方面,我也还在研究,不过数据还是先记录下来 |