发表于 2019-9-30 06:32:21
Hey Newcb,
5 D( T4 ~3 f7 B: w& u$ S$ {3 n' q+ H1 Q: @" b, e
We still have very high converting offers at Jumbleberry. I know volume has gone down for many people because of recent Facebook and Google updates, but I work with over 40 affiliates in China who are all still able to run high converting traffic. 5 M$ c) X3 [$ V$ W5 Q
6 J, x: b3 }4 K3 u- a5 v- n$ y
Let's chat and I can help you out with network offers., A$ E4 }3 M9 Y5 e- E% L
Aleks Mitrovic
( k. ?- v/ o) i0 RSkype: aleksandar.mitrovic2, v( S9 L0 O. A( X: h* ?" ?+ s
WeChat: wxid_pj2gr87mbi9a12 |