大家好,做linkshare,收到发来违规邮件,邮件内容如下:,请问我应该怎样做呢?) _" U, V+ v+ I7 J1 @: P
Dear Publisher, - Z% U7 Z. v! [* h; `9 D9 X* u+ E% l4 n
During a review of your account, we found that you are violating Rakuten Marketing Affiliate Network policies, the FTC endorsement guidelines, and other government agencies in other countries for failing to disclose promotions on various internet sources. 0 F2 ~/ K! `5 i Q8 p2 I5 H' @0 m- ?. R2 ~' Q
Instances of your disclosure violations are listed below:2 z& ]7 b& T) f3 u) v0 x
, x+ t( l" M/ t8 i# V3 s7 U5 U! @# M- l2 V- h6 Z
; k+ D, B4 A* @" D8 E/ _( g4 b) j: v
The Disclosure Policies and Guidelines require all publishers that if there is a material connection between the advertiser and the publisher on websites/social media/blogs/etc, the relationship must be disclosed to consumers. The disclosure must be frequent, clear, conspicuous, and require no action from the consumer. . b, [7 a4 t2 _6 M% q( j- `! d4 W+ u. e7 }2 S" T9 h' x
For more information about the Disclosure Guidelines, please access the resources linked below.1 b. k/ x0 |+ A5 A& M# W
( w3 ^% T( ^$ p& g- r
Rakuten Marketing Affiliate Network Policies - https://pubhelp.rakutenmarketing.com/hc/en-us/sections/200177583-Network-Policies-FTC-Compliance / p- x2 H% c, i" lUnited States Federal Trade Commission Guidelines - https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking#affiliate% ?" l6 E: `. Y( f
FTC guidance document ‘.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising’ https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/attachments/press-releases/ftc-staff-revises-online-advertising-disclosure-guidelines/130312dotcomdisclosures.pdf 4 T/ z7 T8 J+ J# d- RAdvertising Standards Authority: Europe - https://www.asa.org.uk/advice-online/affiliate-marketing.html % {! O- c) t z IIf you use affiliate links on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc…), ad or #ad, sponsored or #sponsored, and promotion or #promotion are examples of disclosures you may use as these are terms commonly understood by consumers and marketers alike.' }. Y8 n4 D, G, X4 M4 y( |
Please remedy the issue(s) and confirm compliance to this request within five (5) business days to avoid any further action on our behalf. + s7 Q; R8 X$ k' w: N. T9 ^8 X+ V( M# N! x- J
Rakuten Marketing, or the applicable network advertiser, reserves the right to withhold commission fees and/or suspend or terminate your participation in any publisher program on the Rakuten Marketing Affiliate Network should we determine at our discretion that you are not in compliance with the previously mentioned guidelines or other government regulations/guidelines we deem relevant. $ O& x. ^, q9 \4 u" D& m' M + u5 k3 W' e C5 c7 p. D5 lThank you for your prompt attention to this matter. - u) j2 ^4 p* [: N
4 G7 l1 J1 }# Y9 W+ M& M1 m* i
Rakuten Marketing Compliance Team( f: q( V) A$ D, ?9 I
亲爱的出版社, ; a: A, _5 _7 O8 F( {6 T7 g2 p. ^- A/ A; t% A# {1 N
在审核您的帐户时,我们发现您违反了乐天营销联盟网络政策,FTC认可指南以及其他国家/地区的其他政府机构未能披露各种互联网资源的促销信息。5 S# L& S, v4 ^) \9 w* ?( N* Z3 q1 s
3 D7 e! H+ g" ^: U7 o4 A |+ V# e您的披露违规行为的实例如下: " }! u# I: c9 q% a) S3 A0 O2 w6 p& |4 `" Z$ C) K4 L
Affiliate Notification - Account Termination 4 d& n4 z; C Y8 R+ v" P( ?收件箱 ) v5 R- P d6 l$ Mx2 E: n8 T& a" \# j8 V* h# t
: O3 }$ x: d; y0 W [email protected] 通过“linkshare.com” ) f; Q" R8 ]5 I. B- G9月3日周二 上午5:00 (3天前) # u) c. @/ K, o# B5 z! L' g发送至 我 . E* o1 q- f- q8 c/ _5 F- B9 o% R' y5 _. E5 b: F* ^0 V
Dear Xxx Xxxx:8 X, n3 K2 y2 Y
4 b7 {& h; i! H- u& TIf you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. & z0 j; o+ I+ L ] - ]6 E( K8 i/ r1 X- H' [: wYour affiliate account in the Rakuten Affiliate Network has been terminated under Section 20 of Rakuten Affiliate Terms and Conditions (http://marketing.rakuten.com/publisher-membership-agreement). Access to your account has been suspended, and all Rakuten Affiliate links on your site will no longer function effective immediately. & b, ~7 u ?. o. |; b' c% }& `0 n5 C4 E( ?# t U
Best regards, 8 y5 F: H3 x: h6 bRakuten Marketing Compliance Team( e8 M5 a) I. @1 P8 o0 R http://www.rakutenmarketing.com % x2 [9 | o9 r8 d# o( |/ R: i5 l ~1 T) ~. i/ X