本帖最后由 _FuseClick_ 于 2017-6-26 16:54 编辑 : G. o" s: ?2 Y5 Y+ t. G6 y) W: S, s- a0 S
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As you know, in order to prevent fraud behaviors, FuseClick has already embedded 6 in-house anti-fraud features: campaign validity determination, Eventsrelationship, Unique ID limitation, Advertiser security token, Bot trafficfilter, IP white list. 1 M4 }9 {. y" JGlad to tell you that we make further efforts to enhance our anti-fraud performance by completing integration withstand-alone anti-fraud solutions of 24metrics and FraudScore. With that, you can easily integrate with these solutions in FuseClick.) X2 x8 ?, l( C; Q. I
$ `# G: i+ f y* _1 G0 {/ t7 V 如大家所知,FuseClick在数字广告跟踪反作弊上,自身已具备六项功能:Campaign有效性判断,事件关联性判断,Unique ID限制,广告主安全码,爬虫流量过滤,和广告主Server IP白名单匹配。 : n( E) `& W+ p2 \7 Y* c5 Z) Y 为了进一步支持对数字广告跟踪市场上的作弊行为进行按需检测,最大化节约成本和降低您在作弊行为上产生的损失,FuseClick已与多家第三方反作弊平台和系统做了对接,如:24 Metrics 和 FraudScore。现在,您只需要在FuseClick内简单设置要送检的转化信息范围到对方平台,即能实现快速检测。 , U% |4 `# f* X" F5 f# x 3 {5 u) e6 Y5 T3 a( a