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发表于 2015-3-10 15:44:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ S% n* F! J# l4 v6 y; \
iAmAttila’s TOP List of Traffic Source TOKENS
$ m! Q& m% @5 N4 [! h) I+ O
- c+ D9 J: n0 h6 x) e

ExoClick Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Scripts/API
: }: ]% @' N( T% A0 b. ATokens        Description
6 p! V# K$ J8 N{campaign_id}        ID of the campaign.
1 I! g# }( s4 N! n! a- M' Y: Y{variation_id}        ID of the variation. (Banner or landing page)
2 D" H( ^; p" a3 Y( k1 R) K{src_hostname}        Domain name where the ad is displayed.0 S2 \# n- X7 a9 g* ~& @0 l
{site_id}        ID of the site where the ad is displayed.
) K( Y  z2 s; C" i{zone_id}        ID of the ad zone where the ad is displayed./ h- Y9 `) \4 d- N& }' k( T. D" L* x* V
{category_id}        ID of the category detected.
" t+ Q) I: |! g7 b! k8 }/ R{country}        3-char country code of the visitor., H1 M/ a& ~0 \8 j+ A0 b5 \3 R1 `
{time}        Timestamp, used as a cache buster.

MobPartner Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Scripts/API5 a% c; f1 P! }- r
Tokens        Description
! U& F$ ?7 i" {' N% Q3 n: m[=MOBTAG=]        Reference ID specified by MobPartner to reconcile with their own system
+ v, \3 j" U# }4 E6 e* H- J. X[=DEVICEID=]        The UDID of the Android device as device_id
: O- W3 K" Z8 G: I9 n9 z# z0 e- u* i7 b[=ANDROIDID=]        The parameter for Android ID as android_id
7 N) o) n' V- T& D[=MACADDRESS=]        The MAC address of the Android phone’s wifi adapter as mac_address: z# G+ A0 A& X2 H( b
[=ODIN=]        The ODIN of the Android device as odin
7 L! X4 |5 c" R. _, f$ q[=PUBLISHERID=]        MobPartner’s publisher ID as sub_publisher
8 E1 R. l2 w& a8 B1 e1 [3 r[=SERVICEID=]        MobPartner’s service ID as sub_site
! r, F, g" N$ Z' h9 {( \6 {7 d[=CAMPAIGNID=]        Campaign name or ID as sub_campaign2 c- o6 T9 C' w- l. j4 h
[=ACTIONID=]        The action ID as sub_adgroup
* Q7 X+ }8 }) g7 u/ H3 N% q[=CREATIVEID=]        Ad name or ID as sub_ad Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Macros/Scripts
- K7 C% {: Z0 V5 V[WEBSITEID] – ID of the website that was source of the popunder,8 g* F: {# Y" i+ x8 \" s8 ^* A
[KEYWORD] – keyword that was used for keyword targeting,) Y8 ^9 a- @4 Q: v
[CATEGORYID] – ID of category that was used for targeting,
; v$ M# z/ a; C' Q7 M. B[COUNTRY] – country of the visitor.

PopCash Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Macros/Scripts( F& {+ [  ]7 K3 r. X  y! N- [
%siteid% – Site ID" n. W) b( z. U+ A& v4 G" ~; v
%cc% – Country Code

Plugrush Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Macros/Scripts
' J6 j, {! h7 Q) y/ ~8 S{$id} – a unique ID of the traffic source/website
# r. m1 X# d0 @4 ]) @{$cc} – two letter country code of the visitor; B# t0 t. h; W9 w8 C  b
{$category} – the category of the traffic source/website
- T5 g4 D3 g+ i2 S( f5 O{$domain} – the domain of the traffic source/website$ z9 `. j2 o8 n; B! `1 K/ _. F
{$trafficsource} – type of the traffic source (babelog, blog, dump, mgp, tgp or tube)
2 {' i+ G+ |$ }9 D8 ?{$ad_id} – a unique ID of your ad (works on PlugTraffic only)
- M$ R% m: g. O" N# K) `' N{$ad_ref} – your internal ad reference (works on PlugTraffic only)

SiteScout Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Scripts/API/ F5 v5 _7 U" y. g3 i
Tokens        Description
/ r; W/ r& ]: t{adId}        Passes the unique ID # of the ad that was clicked.( X+ i/ u5 C" \1 J
{siteId}        Passes the unique ID # of the site where your ad was clicked.2 j/ J3 C7 a9 l$ I$ x  O; k0 h% z
{campaignId}        Passes the unique ID # of the campaign that received the click.: U" {8 U. g' f# C
{networkId}        Passes the unique ID # of the exchange where your ad was clicked.
9 V2 V& ^7 D: {{postbackId}        Passes the unique ID # of the visitor that clicked your ad.5 `9 m% S" M* z( l0 o, p- q* B
{domain}        Passes the domain name where your ad was clicked.
$ E8 j8 `% V, a! F3 z{pageUrl}        Passes the URL of the page where your ad was clicked./ ^! C: J! I2 K( j$ d
{demographicIds}        Passes the ID(s) of the applicable audience segments.
8 E7 |/ v; B! `1 j6 b0 a  a7 _{contextualIds}        Passes the ID(s) of the applicable contextual categories.0 y0 i4 x5 i. t) A7 I9 k; H
{dpid}        SHA1 hashed platform-specific ID (e.g., Android ID or UDID for iOS). (mobile only)4 I0 a1 d$ Y+ n" t. |
{did}        SHA1 hashed device ID; IMEI when available, or else MEID or ESN. (mobile only)4 E* X+ o& D3 l
{uid}        This value represents either {dpid} or {uid}, in that order of priority. (mobile only)2 Y3 ]0 M" v* a' }
{carrier}        Passes the carrier of the people that click your ads. (mobile only)
8 o3 h+ W4 H- S5 S* ?! n{device}        Passes the device of the people that click your ads. (mobile only)
1 q7 l2 Y# J* v( \8 K{appId}        Passes a numeric ID (for Apple) or bundle name (for Google) specific to the mobile app responsible for generating the click. [Example values: “383763″ (Apple) or “” (Google)] (mobile only)# i2 H/ W% Z$ `
{appType}        Passes a string that outputs the origin or type of application responsible for the click. [Example values: “APP_STORE” (Apple) or “PLAY_STORE” (Google)] (mobile only)

StartApp Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Scripts/API
; H' N* ~! h1 s8 z, y9 \Tokens        Description
" I* u4 u; |- n5 Z$ m9 guser_id        get the Android ID or IDFA of the user who clicked your ad.
; t0 c  I! \0 Y# {. J, c9 Napp_id        get the App ID of the publishing app from which every click came.6 }8 F+ W/ Z9 Q2 w
creative_name        get the creative name as you inserted it on our portal., o  b9 S  T  R) w1 T
campaign_id        get the campaign ID that was automatically assigned to your campaign on our portal.8 U, L+ s2 p) m' [9 N5 X
bid_cost        get the CPC bid you used for each click.

Go2mobi Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Scripts/API
+ M1 ~6 K& R1 P' F/ CTokens        Description3 |7 P) l2 T, l, A$ S9 T6 [
{clickid}        Go2mobi unique click id
7 C9 C4 v$ r8 Y; v. ^7 B/ G{campaign}        Go2mobi campaign id
. T& \8 V7 R' h{pln}        Exchange placement name
. o9 ^+ D4 a7 m3 q8 Y# N4 w+ ]{plid}        Exchange placement id: ?; n& \3 y2 H$ d8 @' {3 v! ]
{crid}        Go2mobi creative id  F7 L# W: b/ S
{imp}        Impression dimensions (width x height): r. h8 X/ d1 _6 X9 h$ S  K
{cc}        Exchange country code of user$ s/ v# U6 t4 K' \( y5 J2 f, N% L
{referrer}        HTTP referrer url (if applicable)
! x$ J! U5 w2 v& ]3 P  `: }{referrer_domain}        HTTP referrer domain (if applicable)
% L1 V0 |5 t- i{isp}        Carrier name of user
+ R5 s9 ]) Z5 W$ ~{ip}        IP address of user
0 T( z: P' x% O  x4 }( g{xip}        Proxied IP address of user
: W) ]' q/ Y$ |9 H3 Z  t& [; _2 X{country}        Carrier country of user% _, E+ W  _: {- b) c
{region}        Carrier region of user
9 F1 l# E1 D9 s) Y: Q' V3 ]# @{city}        Carrier region of user2 ^. C) r) \5 W7 }
{agent}        Device user agent' W( f# m) r. k7 Y! e, I- R
{ua_hash}        Device user agent SHA1 hash$ ^; B; l+ [. G; |
{device_vendor}        Device make
7 M' j# Q6 u( J+ m- o{device_model}        Device model
# k5 H( p! a4 J{os}        Device operating system
9 {1 W5 d4 u; X3 W/ _# e8 n{os_verion}        Device operating system version! |7 N6 O- R7 B2 B8 I# ^; E- o
{year}        Device year of release Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Scripts/API& I& w8 q1 r0 `
Macro        Field Info, K  C9 z# C7 k
{{{bidhash}}}        Unique impression ID (Use this to track conversions/actions)
6 j$ P: d- m( S; I$ J+ L) X{{{ad_id}}}        Ad ID (Identifies the ad associated with the impression/click/conversion)
! f- U1 E2 [9 G1 C' }$ _' N{{{creative_id}}}        Creative ID (Identifies the creative used in the ad)# B' Z( M* `# H. x8 o, g
{{{ad_name}}}        Name of campaign2 ^% p  q9 N  K
{{{carrier}}}        Carrier used by mobile device (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, …)4 X" h4 g* A, l+ l
{{{os}}}        OS of device (Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone OS, …). ?/ y3 r( k# x5 k0 t6 \, h) w! Z
{{{os_version}}}        OS Version (Android 4.0.4, iOS 6.0.2, …)+ h) S  H) ^) P2 V) W
{{{device}}}        Device type (iPad, DROID RAZR, Kindle Fire, …)
1 @5 I; j* N4 ?4 ?& a0 e# x{{{media}}}        app or site2 ?( L/ ]' r9 o8 f0 @- O
{{{country}}}        Country of visitor (United States, Mexico, Canada, Germany, …)3 U9 |& \& Q. C2 u+ j9 L- ~: ?+ W
{{{ip}}}        IP address of user
$ Q2 L# W5 V: f2 i( \{{{app}}}        Name of app where ad is placed! R; R+ K2 p/ m7 b
{{{site}}}        Name of site where ad is placed
- a6 n* F$ C; u7 u: f! [{{{placement}}}        Combination of site and app. Name of either site or app where ad is placed.) {" p3 Z$ ^/ _" M7 S) _
{{{ua}}}        User agent string9 l+ I! u6 p  Y) p$ x( |
{{{category}}}        IAB Category of site/app
( c0 n- T, E1 C2 }1 o; {3 D{{{subcategory}}}        IAB Subcategory of site/app
6 X. F' s: X9 J% J0 |: a1 b0 L, U( k{{{idfa}}}        iOS User IDFA

Leadbolt Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Scripts/API

[TRACK_ID] – Reference ID specified by LeadBolt to reconcile with their own third-party system
8 h" M* v3 ~+ y$ Z5 R; C0 J[CLK_ID] – Click ID as sub1) x4 H+ Q; m  D4 C% f+ s/ T' ]
[PUB_ID] – LeadBolt’s publisher as sub_publisher
* \5 R2 Y& U- n& i5 U, w$ @: h[AD_GROUP_ID] – Sub Ad Group as sub_ad_group
) b7 `' W4 j1 O3 K/ R[AD_ID] – Ad ID as sub_ad

BuzzCity Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Scripts/API

{clickcode}        To substitute the unique clickcode value associated with this click
. ^% c) |# P3 Z{pubid}        To substitute the publisher ID associated with this click. You need special privilege to use this parameter. For more information , see PubID filtering.# b7 S/ X3 s( E
{random}        To substitute a randomly generated value associated with this click
& ~1 K$ r% ^3 s4 f( G2 |{timestamp}        To substitute an unix time value associated with this click. E.g. 1379453899 – Which represents ISO 8601:2013-09-17T21:38:19Z

AirPush Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Scripts/API

Tokens        Description. o! D/ h6 G2 B) N+ H
%guid%        GUID is an unique variable generated by Airpush when a click happens. This is automatically generated by Airpush.
3 G- d6 Q1 i0 ]. o, {- [%d%        IMEI (MD5 encrypted); A7 h/ N) |# e2 D3 ]
%androidid%        Device android id3 E* v/ R+ o/ q, n  F2 ^' y
%carrier%        Carrier name
" V; O0 S: b: Y& l+ _%device%        Phone model
: y1 W: }  q8 }8 g5 K%manufacturer%        Device manufacturer name
3 U9 \0 C/ m0 `0 t4 q9 u( v2 R%campaignid%        Campaign Id
. |' v% w7 O& `- E  J) ^- E%creativeid%        Creative Id( j4 M5 p) y8 P$ \
%ip%        Device ip address
: p/ ?$ O: g/ u%state%        State
' V' ]; l1 p! b% G/ n" ^) z%city%        City0 _" E2 _8 k: X2 h5 t. r8 j/ I( Z# y
%dapp%        App Id9 @- D" p1 s4 R" n* Z' q
%pubid%        Application Developer/Advertiser Id
; G/ F. p& @1 i' ^# o%framework%        Device OS Version

Traffic Force:. Z2 s2 @, y( q: W- K3 @& ^* V0 s
{site_id} – id of the site on whch the ad is shown
$ ~( Q/ V% C1 W/ i{channel_id} – id of the channel on which the ad is shown
$ j# _3 _" ~6 a9 i$ n' n{campaign_id} – id of the campaign; q" u/ F& _6 [2 C6 `
{group_id} – id of the group" ?# p- K4 K9 Q+ Y7 V; g) t
{ad_id} – id of the ad
; ]) @$ Q) r  a# \/ Z{keywords} – list of keywords by which the ad was found
% C) [& ^+ ^5 _2 F4 Z{v_country} – visitor country
1 K; o, o- Z+ U9 G8 J% R* o5 u{v_language} – visitor language
2 E) }; `( @1 \/ h/ w{v_browser} – visitor browser" S* ?; Z) d/ L5 P
{v_os} – visitor operating system

Traffic Factory:' @" x. {' y1 F+ u2 I
{} Campaign’s id
3 |5 x7 ^9 y# z6 b4 x{} Target’s bid
: R0 e3 R9 X$ w5 D; C  ?. B{} Banner’s id
* A) V$ ^1 k9 j& J{} Name of the banner
3 l( R( W; W6 X; f! i+ K& A0 p9 l{banner.size} Size of the banner e.g. "338×235"2 _: p! {3 K: I. F+ N
{} Campaign’s target name9 _1 j8 m5 C  q& g
{categories} The page’s categories4 J7 b. c- a$ v" G: U: {. `
{} 3 letters ISO country code of the user’s country. e.g. "FRA" for France6 M# w6 B. Y/ m; X
{user.browser} User’s web browser
$ Q0 o7 H0 a8 l8 ~. }. Z7 E) u" T3 e6 ~{user.os} User’s operating system

AdBucks:: N$ a- {) T, M# {+ z+ y* K+ M
{bannertag} : This is a tag that represents your banner. It is created in the Banner Macro Tag field when the banner is uploaded and can be edited later if needed.( V: ^+ v# k& K& m
{campaigntag} : This is a tag that represents your campaign. It can be changed in the bid editor.) f; d7 J& q  J. g! y7 ^
{spottag} : This is a tag that represents the spot (page location on the site) your ad appears on. This value is set by AdBucks and cannot be customized.
6 U$ Q/ m4 Q% }8 o; E{site} : This is a tag that represents the site your ad appears on. This value is set by AdBucks and cannot be customized.
5 ]% s' P, R& M{width} : This is a tag that represents the width (in pixels) of the ad spot. This value is set by AdBucks and cannot be customized.# h$ n$ ]/ j& Z, }, X2 n: B/ ?5 {
{height} : This is a tag that represents the height (in pixels) of the ad spot. This value is set by AdBucks and cannot be customized.
" O( f4 F0 z9 Z- s, ^{size} : This is a tag that represents a shortcut equivalent to {width}x{height}.: T- ?' v  }2 n& R2 h
{year} : This is a tag that represents the current 4-digit year (2014).& T6 U9 z% y$ D% K# s1 @! b" Y1 U
{month} : This is a tag that represents the current 2-digit month (09).

Adxpansion:. M8 \) _4 o* r6 n2 ?( c3 s
{zone}+ I( o# j; |3 A( s  r
/ z) w2 S' |# @{country}

50onRed:/ e: v7 X# k( x5 T: u
{country}, {bid}, {target}, {campaign_id}, {creative_id}, {target_id}, {domain}, and {click_id}

9 C3 V9 u; J3 H& ~$ r& o
0 Y- Z  N" F+ l) i. o) H


参与人数 4广告币 +11 收起 理由
隐逸逍遥 + 2 很给力!
jackkate + 2 赞一个!
dxszzcylm + 5 很给力!
己卯 + 2 很给力!



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Rank: 2



发表于 2015-3-10 20:34:45 | 显示全部楼层
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Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2015-3-11 10:13:31 | 显示全部楼层
PLUGRUSH 好多追踪出来没用。没办法优化。
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Rank: 2



发表于 2016-7-26 11:25:41 | 显示全部楼层
IM上怎么配置 popads --tokens  
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2016-8-4 08:01:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-4-27 19:03:07 | 显示全部楼层
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