大神帮看下是什么问题?怎么解决! " |4 U5 U! U; y# yFatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_report() in /www/web/csopp_com/public_html/202-config/connect.php on line 23 . b* V. h2 d/ h* F0 U/ v
- R6 n, d3 _* E0 n+ [5 i4 S6 GIts seems that MySQLi extension is not enabled on your server. P202 1.8 use MySQLi instead of old MySQL. Make sure its enabled, before installing or upgrading to version 1.8.! r4 B( D- s) V0 C
满意沟通 发表于 2014-6-29 20:01 ( k* T. ^4 V4 `7 _& v' tGoogle一下别人的回答: " L$ D, M `, {/ Z9 }; o1 b8 n * ?$ A$ ^. G3 h4 l3 h" rIts seems that MySQLi extension is not enabled on your server. P202 1.8 use M ...