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SmartProxy住宅代理5折优惠 - 赶紧上车!

已有 9 次阅读2025-3-21 11:19 |个人分类:代理


>> 直达链接


• 全球5500万+住宅IP,覆盖195+国家/地区
• 精准定位到国家、城市甚至邮编
• 与其他供应商相比,成功率极高
• 稳定在线率(99.99%),响应速度快


• 2GB: 3.0美元/GB → 6美元/月
• 8GB: 2.75美元/GB → 22美元/月
• 25GB: 2.6美元/GB → 65美元/月
• 50GB: 2.45美元/GB → 123美元/月
• 100GB: 2.25美元/GB → 225美元/月
• 更大套餐最高至1000GB,仅1.5美元/GB




SmartProxy 50% Discount - Just scored 50% off residential proxies - RESI50

Thought I'd share this since we're always hunting for decent proxy deals in here. SmartProxy is running a 50% off promo on their residential proxy plans right now.

I've been using them since I got tired of my scraping projects getting blocked every 5 minutes (we've all been there, right?). Been pretty happy with them so far - connection success rates are way better than my previous provider who shall remain nameless cough

The deal:

>> 50% off all residential proxy plansUse code: RESI50

No idea when it expires but there was a countdown timer, so hurry to apply it!

Quick price breakdown after discount:

Pricing Plans (All 50% OFF right now!)
PlanOriginal PriceDISCOUNTEDTotal (Monthly)
2 GB$6/GB$3.0/GB$6 + VAT
8 GB$5.5/GB$2.75/GB$22 + VAT
25 GB$5.2/GB$2.6/GB$65 + VAT
50 GB$4.9/GB$2.45/GB$123 + VAT
100 GB$4.5/GB$2.25/GB$225 + VAT
250 GB$4/GB$2.0/GB$500 + VAT
500 GB$3.5/GB$1.75/GB$875 + VAT
1,000 GB$3/GB$1.5/GB$1500 + VAT

They also have a Pay-As-You-Go option at 3.5/GB (reducedfrom7/GB).

What I like Smartproxy

I'm on the 25GB plan which is enough for my needs. They have bigger plans too if you're doing heavy scraping.

r/proxydiscountcode - SmartProxy 50% Discount - Just scored 50% off residential proxies - RESI50
  • IPs from 195+ countries (tested US, UK and Germany myself - all worked)

  • Can target by city which was clutch for a local project I was working on

  • Haven't had any payment issues (had a nightmare with another provider before)

Not gonna pretend it's perfect - had some slowdowns during peak hours, but nothing major. I'm on the 25GB plan which is plenty for my side projects.






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