Gabriel 发表于 2013-7-23 08:29:42


本帖最后由 Gabriel 于 2013-7-26 21:48 编辑

So you’ve got a blog and you’re doing affiliate marketing – with either no success, little success or great success (high five!) – but hey, you’re always looking for ways to make more. Below are 9 things I’ve done over the years – with success – to earn more revenue from my blogs.

#9 – Stop relying solely on the sidebar
This is typically the most common “symptom” I see in under-monetized blogs. There are those lovely 125×125 ads in the sidebar, or maybe you went bold with a 300×250. But, the sales didn’t start pouring in.

In my experience, sidebar ads drive the least amount of sales of any other affiliate advertising method on my blogs. Take Sugarrae for instance – less than 10% of the site’s overall affiliate earnings come from my sidebar ads (but hey, it does bring in some sales).

If that’s the only method of affiliate marketing your blog is utilizing, you need to change that – NOW (we’ll get to how a little further below).

#8 – Start micro-tracking which affiliate links bring in sales
The only reason I know the above is because I track all of my affiliate links based on their placement. You can easily do this by using SID codes.

SID codes are an extra parameter attached to your affiliate link that track a specific links performance (vs. only using one affiliate link for a program no matter when or where you link to it). A display ad in your sidebar may be tracked using “sidebar” as your SID code while affiliate links within your reviews may use “review” for the SID code.

How does this make you more money? Because it tells you which ads and links are working and which ones aren’t. You might be making great earnings with program A, but do those earnings come from your graphical ads, in content ads, review posts… knowing what kind of affiliate recommendations are converting helps you create more of them.

It also allows you to do split (A/B) testing to find out which display ads on your site work best for your specific audience.

#7 – Utilize split testing on any display ads
If you’re using display ads to advertise your affiliate links, you should be testing which ads work and which ads don’t. You can easily do this by rotating ads using the Ad Injection plugin (free).

By assigning each display creative with an SID code, you can figure out which ads convert at better rates. You’re presented with a lot of display ad options by most merchants. A/B testing will allow you to figure out which ones work best with your audience. You may find that changing a display creative ups your affiliate conversions – sometimes in a big way.

Additionally, be sure to keep those creatives up to date. One blog I owned had been running sidebar creatives that amounted to about 10% of our overall affiliate sales. We hadn’t updated them in almost two years. When we did, affiliate earnings from that SID code jumped – and the sidebar began accounting for 20% of the overall sales from the site.

#6 – Build a mailing list
I fully admit (and have several times in the past) being late to hop on this bandwagon. You do a lot of work to ensure people find your blog via various channels – once you’ve got them on the site, you need to do your best to get their email (I use and recommend Aweber).

First, it’s an easy way to remind people you exist after they’ve come, read and left a particular blog post of yours – without having to “find” them again in the vast world wide web. It also gives you another channel to use in making affiliate recommendations (more about starting an email newsletter here).

Jane may show up on my blog because she has WordPress and found a post of mine about how to use a specific plugin she was researching. If I can capture her email, I can later let Jane know about Genesis – why I think it’s awesome and why I think bloggers should use it. Jane may not have even been in the market for a new theme. But she was in the market to get more awesome tips and information from me when she signed up for my email list a month earlier.

#5 – Choose products to recommend that fit your audience
I somehow ended up on a cooking blog the other day that had a display creative in their sidebar for a hosting company. #headdesk

As a blogger herself, I’m guessing that product was relevant to her, but it wasn’t relevant to her general audience. Cooking blogs should recommend cooking products, cookbooks, utensils, appliances, etc.

They don’t need to have EXACT relevance to your blog topic, but they do need to be relevant to your blog readership. I.e. if your blog were a cooking blog and you knew your readership was mostly women and that most of them had children – then an advertisement for Amazon Mom wouldn’t be “off the mark” so to speak.

#4 – Write in depth product or service reviews
I’ve gone over in-depth how I craft an affiliate product review before. I said in that post and I will say again that reviews are my favorite way to drive affiliate income on a blog. But to sum up the main points of that post…

Recommend products you use and love (BS reviews by people who have never actually touched said products or used said services are easy to spot)
Offer up proof that you actually own and use said product or service (photos work well for this)
Always be honest (never, ever sell out the trust your readers have in you to make an affiliate commission)
Be extremely detailed in your review – offering up both the pros AND cons (there is always at least one)
Be sure to show them how the product solved a specific problem for you or fulfilled a specific need
#3 – Don’t make every post into an attempt to grab a sale
Don’t be greedy – or desperate. Turning your blog into one long and repeated sales pitch for every product you can find is going to alienate your readership. And without a readership, you have no sales.

I try to make sure I post at LEAST three or four genuinely helpful posts without a review focus in between those that do have a review focus. Being helpful increases your readership – which in turn helps increase your sales.

There is a difference between recommending products to your audience and selling to your audience. It’s a very important difference to learn.

#2 – Don’t overlook the power of SEO
I’m not saying you need to be an uber agressive search engine optimization maven. But, you should ensure your blog has the basics of “best practices” regarding SEO. Joost has a great (and free) guide you can follow here.

As you work to truly increase your readership, you’ll acquire social signals, links and authority – and ensuring your on page SEO is at its best will help you capitalize off that to the fullest extent possible.

#1 – Deliver solutions for people’s problems
While I’m all for coming up with awesome, new post ideas (it’s what will make you stand out from the crowd), when it comes to affiliate income – identifying the existing problems of your audience and solving those problems has always been one of my top sources of revenue.

Ubersuggest is a great (free) tool to find out what the questions (answer them), needs (fulfill them) and problems (solve them) are of your specific audience.

If you go to ubersuggest and enter “how to ” (without quotes), it will spit out a listing of all the Google suggest results for those four words (not necessarily in that order and with words in between).

For instance, let’s say you have a gardening blog. If you go to uber suggest and type in “how to raised garden” one of the suggestions it spits out is “how to build raised garden on a slope”. That’s a pretty specific problem.

If you can solve it – and link out with affiliate links to the product and/or supplies necessary to do it, you’ve struck affiliate gold.


dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-23 08:49:57


Gabriel 发表于 2013-7-23 09:02:43

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-23 08:49 static/image/common/back.gif


dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-23 09:07:30


tkmy 发表于 2013-7-23 11:21:23


Gabriel 发表于 2013-7-23 15:44:27

tkmy 发表于 2013-7-23 11:21 static/image/common/back.gif

Google translate或者有道词典翻译一下

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-24 15:51:03

1 停止单纯依靠侧边栏
2 启动微型跟踪联盟链接带来的销售
通过使用SID码 轻松地做到这一点。SID码允许你做分割(A / B)测试,以找出您网站中为您的特定受众最有效接受的展示广告。
利用免费的 Ad Injection plugin ,对所展示广告进行有效性测试。
给每个展示广告分配一个SID码,可发现具有更好转换率的广告。   A / B测试将助你找出与你的听众最有效互动的广告。有时,这会极大提升你的转换率。
推荐使用 Aweber。有利于抓住回头客。
5 推荐适合客户的产品

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-24 16:09:55

•        推荐您使用的、喜欢的产品(从未真正接触产品或使用服务的BS评论,很容易露出马脚)
•        对你实际拥有和使用的产品或服务提供证明(照片最有效)
•        一定要诚实(永远不要出卖信任你的读者,仅仅为了你想获得联盟佣金)
•        评论尽量详细 - 提供产品的优点和缺点的两方面评论(至少提出一个优缺点的对比)
•        请务必向客户展示,该产品如何为你解决了特定的难题或满足了你的特定需求。

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-24 16:22:07

•        不要贪心 - 或绝望。 记住: 没有读者,你就没有销售。
•        你的评论如果能有助于增加你的读者 - 这反过来又能有助于提高你的销售。
•        推荐产品给读者,与销售产品给读者,这2者之间存在区别。 需明辨,并用心体会。

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-24 16:41:05

•        8 不要轻视SEO的力量
•        你不需要成为一个超级的侵略性搜索引擎优化行家。 但是,你得确保你的博客有SEO的“最佳体验”。可参考Joost------一个强大(而且免费)的指南。

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-24 16:57:47

9 以人为本,提供读者所面临的问题的解决方案
所有的新点子(这是为什么使你脱颖而出)一直是我的首要收入来源。 这些新点子因为发现了读者所面临的难题,并提供了解决这些问题的方案,而涉及联盟收入。

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-24 17:07:41

好像SEO119 也写过一个做博客的9个要点   

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-24 17:11:58

如果感觉翻译的还行, 请给点广告币,让我凑足去狐狸宝宝的路费。先谢了。最好河马能给温柔一刀。。。河马分挺

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-25 23:07:27 这个是SEO117的关于博客的观点

dingxf210 发表于 2013-7-26 13:22:21

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查看完整版本: 提高博客盈利的9个要点