纯正规英文站,内容质量、排版都是花精力弄得。 Wordpress站龄3年2个月,流量现在每天1000+ ip 流量主要是US和EU, Adsense 自动广告设置, 点击率1%~2%, 一直都没事,昨天收到邮件说是检测到无效活动账户被禁用。赶紧到谷歌分析后台看了下,发现从10月29号开始,每天有200~300多个(not set)直接访问ip,跳出率100%。本人纯技术小白,不知道怎么操作,有前辈遇到这种情况吗? 有申诉成功的可能吗?不胜感激。邮件内容:
With our advertising programs we strive to create an online ecosystem that benefits publishers, advertisers, and users. For this reason we sometimes have to take action against accounts that show behavior towards users or advertisers that may negatively impact how the ecosystem is perceived. In your case, we have detected invalid activity on your AdSense account and as a result it has been disabled.
We are limited in the amount of information we can provide about your specific violation. We understand that you may want more information about your account activity. However, in order to protect our proprietary detection systems, we are unable to provide further details.
In some cases publishers can make significant changes to correct the violation and are willing to comply with the AdSense program policies. For this reason, we offer an appeal process as an opportunity to work with you to resolve the issue. Please be sure to provide a complete analysis of your traffic or other reasons that may have generated invalid activity in your appeal. Submit your appeal using this form and we will follow up accordingly. Before submission, please review the list of the top reasons for account closure.
Thanks for your understanding.
节哀,竞争对手在搞你吗 没有虚假点击,应该没有问题 弄回来的可能性可能比较小呢。。。哎,抱抱楼主~~ 我的站 也莫名其妙多了 好多 direct的访问 感觉封不封完全看google心情,没啥规律可言:) 可能性很小 完全正规被封的几率非常小,还是检查一下自己 你就只有这么一个站? emilylove 发表于 2019-11-7 12:03
是个小niche,流量趋于稳定,最近半年没再更新。最近3个月内只是回复过访客的评论,没有设置固定广告位,用的是Adsense 自动广告设置。平常很少看谷歌分析数据,今年谷歌更新算法流量也变化不大。不过上午我看到上周谷歌分析给我推送了一条信息,之前没留意。“Publisher Revenue / 1000 Sessions last week was higher than forecast.”, 可能怀疑我刷流量了吧。 shinebay 发表于 2019-11-7 14:45
恩,挂谷歌adsense就这一个站。 abbey0812 发表于 2019-11-7 11:11
谢谢,已经申诉了,死马当活马医吧 可能是有爬虫爬你的网站,被adsense当作违规了 我最近每天有20-30个direct不同国家的访问,停留时间、session都是0,跳出100%,看来情况跟你一样啊。才2个月的站 这个网站看到的www.fantiz5.com/blog/post/30.html
Google AdSense以内容定位确保广告质量,按点击效果付费, 因此用户来源决定了广告效果。这里要强调一下,有些人误以为作弊就是自己或者其他人故意点击自己的广告,其实质量不好的流量也是造成过多无效点击的一个重要原因。