push LP的CTR多少算正常
之前有个10%,然后每天都在降, 现在只有4%了,push这么贵,感觉赚的越来越少了。 请问下大佬们,ctr多少算正常,4%真的有点hold不住了。在亏本边缘试探了今年咋都感觉这么难呢? 8943 发表于 2019-9-27 20:46
我是才转push没多久,不知道其他大佬啥情况,应该是我自己的问题 Hey Flower cat, it depends on the traffic source you have. The top 10% of landing pages convert over 11%.
What type of offers are you running? I have some good landing pages I can share with you if you'd like to connect!
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