踏浪跨境 发表于 2019-9-20 18:40:04

黑色星期五你准备好了吗?5个小贴士帮你稳定Google Shooping

本帖最后由 踏浪跨境 于 2019-9-20 18:42 编辑


根据eMarketer最近的一份报告,付费搜索是零售商中增长最快的数字渠道。仅在美国,他们估计2019年零售搜索广告支出将增至131.2亿美元 - 同比增长22.5%。亚马逊广告服务的指数式增长部分刺激了这种支出的增长。
1.使用谷歌的自动化......但只有它更好!谷歌去年推出了Smart Shopping。与搜索中的智能出价一样,智能购物使用机器学习算法来优化您的广告系列。
如果您对Smart Shopping犯错,请尽快完成此测试。当黑色星期五到来时,为时已晚 - 算法需要至少训练几周才能有效运行。
因此,它学会应对急剧变化,使Smart Shopping成为管理销售期间更具吸引力的解决方案。
您需要做的是通过对您的业务最有意义的细分来横向拆分您的广告系列 - 您是先拆分出售的不同品牌,还是按产品类型划分?这里没有正确或错误的答案。

请注意,品牌特定查询'Nike roshe run pink trainers'将被排除在前两个广告系列之外,原因是其关键字为否定关键字。
3. Feed OptimizationInstead of positive keyword targeting, all query matching is done against your feed – the bumper list of products you sell along with their attributes.
So your next step to becoming a Shopping superhero is making sure your feed is accurate, up-to-date and optimized for performance.
Your feed fields are weighted left to right, so make sure you are placing your most important information at the beginning of your title and descriptions. Take a look at your search queries for inspiration.
You can test these modifications – perhaps brand is the most important attribute for one product and for others, it might be color or material. You can also test images to see which drive better performance.
Another step is populating missing fields. Gaps are likely to lead to disapprovals.
This means that your ads won’t show – or they may make Google’s mapping of search queries to products less effective, decreasing your impression share and CTR. In the run-up to Black Friday, this is especially important.
Remember to populate the and columns in your feed; you don’t want your ads suddenly disapproved en masse because your feed data no longer matches your website.
4. Think Carefully About Your KPIs (& Don’t Panic If CTR Looks Off)
When optimizing your account, and when testing your feed, in particular, you might be tempted to look at engagement metrics.
While that sounds sensible, be aware that one is likely to be misleading: CTR.
The good news is that it’ll probably look worse than it actually is.
As a reminder: click-through rate is calculated by dividing click volume by impression volume. In search text ads, this is essentially the same thing as dividing clicks by the number of searches you appeared on.
In Shopping, however, it is possible to show more than one ad for a search, meaning that you receive multiple impressions.
This is especially true when you are bidding aggressively, as you are likely to be doing during times of high seasonality.
In this case, your clicks per search will go up as you’re showing more ads, but due to the higher number of impressions, the CTR reported to you may drop.(Note: if you have a ‘Single Product Ad Group’ structure to your account, your granular ad group level CTR will be accurate in your reports.)
Also keep an eye on your conversion rates. If you are running Smart Shopping, your ads will appear across Google properties.
While this is a bonus in terms of increased reach, the display network is typically less effective for acquisition. Expect your conversion rates to be slightly lower.

5. Budget Accordingly
In the next holiday season, you’re going to be spending significantly more as you bid up in response to competition and intent – remember to account for that.Last November, our retail client portfolio pooled a mean average of 22.8% of their entire month’s budget into the four days between Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Make sure you don’t neglect the research phase that precedes the shopping spree. Customers will be browsing deals well ahead of time, and you need to be visible from the get-go.
If you don’t allocate enough budget for this awareness period, your performance across the season will suffer.
Bring spending back down as sales periods end. Sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised by how many people forget.
Along with your across-the-board upweighting, you’ve likely raised your RLSA modifiers hugely to bid especially high on recent visitors or basket abandoners.
As Cyber Monday passes or Christmas morning arrives, these should be adjusted way down – your site visitors either already bought what they wanted, or they weren’t interested in the first place.
Finally – all your decisions should be leveraging last year’s data. Comb through performance, decide whether you spent too much or not enough, and strategize accordingly.
There’s No Such Thing as Overpreparation
That’s not the end of it.
You’ll definitely need to keep an eye on your account to manage budgets or keep your feed up to date as the quarter progresses. This is true even if you’re running Smart Shopping.
However, following the steps above now to set up a robust account will make things much much easier when the time comes.
Being ready to leverage as many historical insights as you can and remaining responsive to incoming data will put you well on your way to Shopping success this season!-------------以上,希望对你有帮助。祝大卖大卖大卖!!来源

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