河小马 发表于 2019-7-30 09:13:23

突发 PeerFly 即将在明天shutdown


Hello Hippo,

After nearly eleven wonderful years, PeerFly will be discontinuing normal operations on Wednesday, July 31st and will be closing the PeerFly Affiliate Network.

While this was a hard decision to make, we wanted to do it while we still had the opportunity to exit with the respect of our thousands of affiliates and clients.

Please pause traffic by midnight on July 31st. Any traffic sent after that time will not be paid for. Net30s will proceed like normal and everyone that has met the threshold by the 31st will be paid on the regular schedule.

PeerFly might be saying goodbye, but the team who successfully managed PeerFly over the years still has a lot to contribute to the online marketing world, so stay tuned for future announcements.

We outlined questions that you may have below so you don’t have to spend the time contacting support:

Why is PeerFly closing?

Affiliate marketing is alive and well. However, the particular model that PeerFly was built on no longer represents the most efficient or cost-effective method for generating new sales and leads for advertisers. Over the years, many advancements in online marketing have created new low barriers of entry for businesses who want to control their marketing internally. Platforms like Facebook have dominated the ability to precisely target an audience and have made it incredibly easy to scale. Combined with a great economy, where businesses are okay risking marketing dollars to find the right audience, the model of the “Affiliate Network” is one that doesn’t work nearly as well in 2019 as it did just 5 years earlier.

When do I need to pause my PeerFly links?

Please do so by midnight on July 31st. Any traffic sent after midnight on July 31st will not be paid for.

Will I still get paid out my current balance?

We’ve made over 50,000 individual payments to affiliates since PeerFly started and we’ll continue to do so until everyone who’s owed is paid. As long as you’ve met the required $50 threshold by Wednesday, July 31st, you will receive payment on the regular net30 schedule.

What’s next in store for the PeerFly team?

We’ll be sure to keep you updated at [email protected] on our future internet marketing ventures. :D

Who should I contact if I have further questions?

Please direct all questions to [email protected] and we’ll be there to assist you!

​From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your support over the last 11 years. You helped make PeerFly the best affiliate network in the world.


我个人感觉我应该算是Peerfly 最早的一批affiliates 之一,在大约2009年peerfly 还没有崛起的时候就开始推荐大家加入,一直到现在的2019年,整整十年了,不免有点嘘嘘感叹

毋庸置疑,peerfly 只过去几年最好的affiliate networks 之一,发钱及其稳定,但是也可以看到他们的不足,就是基本上拿不到很好的US 的本地offer,intl offer 相对来说多了不少,有点类似于以前mundo, 看着有几千个offer,但是都是intl 的,而且质量只能说一般。

Chad 说 affiliate network 不如以前好做了,这个应该是相对来说的. FTC 的要求越来越多, affiliate networks 的日子确实不好混,这个时候就体现出来一家公司的合规能力和biz 的能力, 固守于US市场的 W4 应该算是其中的赢家之一,US 的市场这么多年来offer 的种类基本没有什么大的变化,所以日子也算滋润。

老毛子那边的networks 倒是异军突起(很多公司都顶着什么英国,加拿大公司的帽子),开始抢占各大市场


online business 随着经济全球化的发展会越来越强盛,advertisers 也会越来越多的

紫气东来GG 发表于 2019-7-30 09:30:49


小白龙 发表于 2019-7-30 10:08:20


zeratul 发表于 2019-7-30 10:13:50

刚收到邮件,特地来论坛看下,果然都在讨论 ;-)

278771141 发表于 2019-7-30 10:56:42

我竟然没有收到邮件,affiliate network的洗牌才刚刚开始。长江后浪推前浪,作为AFF来说,我们也要顺应时代发展,转变思路,异军突起。:lol

河小马 发表于 2019-7-30 11:02:31

小白龙 发表于 2019-7-30 10:08
没跑过这家,感觉maxbounty发展的还行,没有倒闭的迹象,这两家是不是比较像? ...

maxbounty 发展的很不错,比peerfly 要好

tuanzi 发表于 2019-7-30 12:02:01

本帖最后由 tuanzi 于 2019-7-30 12:04 编辑

卧槽 昨天刚申请被拒 这家offer很多口碑也不错 本来还打算试一下

rogerluo 发表于 2019-7-30 14:26:43


beston 发表于 2019-7-30 17:22:21

rogerluo 发表于 2019-7-30 14:26
我也收到了,没想到peerfly也关了,不过之前几个月就开始有迹象不行了。。。拖了2个多月才发钱 ...


烟雨 发表于 2019-7-31 16:24:12


affempire 发表于 2019-7-31 17:32:40

持续几年霸占top联盟榜 就这样倒闭了和mundo一样让人很意外

ziwyat 发表于 2019-8-1 07:32:50


sohorich 发表于 2019-8-24 09:40:04

想不到就这么Game Over了。
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