yeahmobi_captai 发表于 2013-7-9 10:37:46

(Newbie Guide) Affiliate Networks, Traffic Sources, & Basic PPV

                                        (Newbie Guide) Affiliate Networks, Traffic Sources, & Basic PPV                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I'm now going to discuss some basics for those of you who are newer to affiliate marketing.

This first lesson i'll be talking about; Affiliate Networks & Traffic Sources!

Whats an Affiliate Network?
It's the middle man company that connects affiliates and company's promoting products.
There are good and bad Affiliate Networks, good Affiliate Networks, ALWAYS pay on time, they're always available (some even give you there cellphone), and they help you make money by telling you whats doing good, and tips to promote it!

Let me list you my top Affiliate Networks:

Traffic Sources

UPDATED - Read Stackman's Guide To What Works In 2013

This is one of the keys to making money online. There are tens of thousands of different companies to buy ads from. I'm going to start you off with the major 3. They're the 2 largest places to buy PPC traffic from, you can start with less than $50 for all of them, and they have TONS of traffic for you to buy for when you strike a golden egg campaign.


If you've already dabbled in affiliate marketing and your looking for more traffic sources to help you make big $, i suggest the 3 below.

(People always under estimate MSN, but they've now partnered with and they always have awesome conversion rates for the right niches)
2. (Great for media buying)
3. (Smaller but very untapped PPC company)

Finally lets dabble into PPV
PPV is a type of advertising that displays popups to people who have the popup company's software installed on their computer.

It works like this:
"Sammy" has installed a game that contained a form of ad-ware in it. This ad-ware is not intrusive, except for the fact it displays popups over acertain interval of time to "Sammy".

The next day Sammy goes to to look for a new computer. While Sammy is browsing a popup comes up that offers her a deal for something.

This popup was made by an affiliate marketer (or website owner) who is bidding on the URL.

The popup can be clicked which will take sammy to an affiliate offer.

- Bids usually start at 1cent
- URLs and Keywords can be bid on by multiple affiliate marketers
- Every bid raises the bidding price by 0.01 (1cent)

PPV Traffic Sources

河小马 发表于 2013-7-9 10:43:18

Are you from yeahmobi?

dhdz187 发表于 2013-7-10 08:07:11

河小马 发表于 2013-7-9 10:43 static/image/common/back.gif
Are you from yeahmobi?

I don't think so.

YMVPS 发表于 2013-7-10 10:57:46

I think should be,

chiushop 发表于 2013-12-8 00:20:13

Pulse360 to Shut Down
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