Step1: Enter your URL in the above form and click "Check Now". How is my site will then create a personalized (and public) page that:
[*]Links to your site with keyword rich links
[*]Displays basic META and RSS information (if your site has a RSS feed)
[*]PLUS links to 15 other resources that will automatically create pages for you that the search engines LOVES!!!!
Step 2: Click on each of the "OTHER RESOURCES" to ensure that each of those services generate the page (this is an important step).Step 3: Copy down the URL of your sites page and then click on the RSS Link above "Recently Checked" and copy down your pages RSS feed.Step 4: Go to one of the following sites and ping
想问下 这种外链有没有价值,还是有负面的效果?多谢了~~~~
也是外链,有用。 我在GG搜索我的域名时,出现好多这种站,都有访问我网站的连接,有的是直接连接,有的是跳转连接,直接连接过来从原来是上来说应该算是一个外部链接。
这种链接即使有作用,也是非常微小的。至于有没有副作用,这个没有定论,如果觉得不好,可以用禁止连接工具将它们给禁止掉。 yoo 发表于 2013-6-27 19:42 static/image/common/back.gif
我在GG搜索我的域名时,出现好多这种站,都有访问我网站的连接,有的是直接连接,有的是跳转连接,直接连接 ...
那是不是 比如 alexaaboutus 这种检索自己的网站建立的链接都有用? 有具,还有专门做这种外链的工具