本帖最后由 隐逸逍遥 于 2013-6-25 22:42 编辑在leadbolt建立了几个offer都被rejected了,非常恼火,写信问am:
Please check my ad in Ad Group: YM-2345 - AU - Anti Virus- (ID: 254985)
The identified activity is not allowed.
This ad could not be approved at this time. Please contact your account manager for assistance.
Hi 隐逸逍遥, Thanks for reaching out to me! Your campaign was suspended because the landing URL is from YeahMobi and we don’t allow their offers on the network. You are welcome to run offers from any other affiliate network on LeadBolt. Here are some names of networks my advertisers work with: MundoMedia, SponsorMob, Neverblue, Mobpartner. I would be happy to review your new campaigns once loaded to your account, and provide recommendations.
Kind Regards, Jason San Diego
Mobile Advertising Account Manager
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 今天很多2b的事情,心情不是很好.,但是你这个让我笑出来了 莫非被人黑多了? 看,直接推荐你跑mundo跟nba 据说是因为有人在leadbolt上试用HK 跑YEAH的广告.. 当初有yeahmobi的affiliate在leadbolt干过坏事。所以,坏了一锅粥。。。 {:soso_e103:} 这个Yeahmobi 的都知道吧
弄个链接跳转就行了 还不是去年Yeahmobi上某aff惹的祸;P 联盟是无辜的 Peter 讲过多次了,有人用HK在LB上跑,双方都损失不少。。。导致LB直接封yeahmobi的域名。 做个跳转链接就可以了 这个非常深情,把人乐翻了撒