河小马 发表于 2013-6-4 10:50:32

Amazon Route 53 Adds Elastic Load Balancer Integration for DNS Failover

刚才整理邮件的时候看到的<p>Dear Amazon Web Services Customer,</p>

<p>We are excited to announce that Route 53 DNS Failover now supports
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) endpoints. Starting today, you can use
Route 53’s existing health checking and DNS failover features for
applications running behind an ELB, to increase redundancy and
availability for these apps.</p>

<p>With DNS Failover, Amazon Route 53 can help detect an outage of your
website and redirect your end users to alternate locations where your
application is operating properly. When you enable this feature, Route
53 uses health checks—regularly making Internet requests to your
application’s endpoints from multiple locations around the world—to
determine whether each endpoint of your application is up or down. </p>

<p>For ELB endpoints, Route 53 evaluates the health of the load balancer
itself and the health of your application running on the EC2 instances
behind it. If any part of the stack goes down, Route 53 detects the
failure, routes traffic away from the load balancer, and directs traffic
to other healthy ELB endpoints. Route 53 DNS Failover also supports EC2
endpoints as well as endpoints located in your own datacenter.</p>

<p>Using Route 53 DNS Failover, you can run your primary application
simultaneously in multiple AWS regions around the world. Route 53
automatically removes from service any region where your application is
unavailable. You can also take advantage of a simple backup site hosted
on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), with Route 53 directing
users to this backup site in the event that your application becomes

<p>Health checks of Amazon ELB endpoints are free, and getting started is easy. To learn more, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/r.html?R=2EMCE4T8E0NWD&C=3STR8RC5Q6H1Y&H=SUOGRM79MBBGDQ7LV8TUA2X4AYIA&T=C&U=http%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Froute53%3Fref_%3Dpe_2170_30194830_8">visit the Route 53 product page</a> or review our walkthrough in the <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/r.html?R=2EMCE4T8E0NWD&C=3STR8RC5Q6H1Y&H=XGI2ROQULL3C7OX10QVMHGAWVRMA&T=C&U=http%3A%2F%2Fdocs.aws.amazon.com%2FRoute53%2Flatest%2FDeveloperGuide%2Fdns-failover.html%3Fref_%3Dpe_2170_30194830_9">Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide</a>.</p>

<p>Also, please feel free to join our <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/r.html?R=2EMCE4T8E0NWD&C=3STR8RC5Q6H1Y&H=J5S7YSYDGDMA3VFQM4MDM14GRX4A&T=C&U=http%3A%2F%2Fw.on24.com%2Fr.htm%3Fe%3D622099%26s%3D1%26k%3D3563EF264F8961EAF9AD217B6CE34446%26partnerref%3DLE%26ref_%3D7">webinar at 10:00 am PDT on July 9, 2013</a> to learn more about DNS Failover and the high-availability architecture options that it makes possible.</p>


The Amazon Web Services Team</p>对于使用route53的同学是个好事,简单的 geo dns + failover

菲菲 发表于 2013-6-4 11:54:54


kumgfu 发表于 2013-6-4 19:50:51

本打算用Amazon Route 53的,结果Amazon都不用自己家的 ,于是就犹豫了

blackhat 发表于 2013-6-5 00:27:56


leeboy 发表于 2013-6-5 18:29:17

我弱弱的问一句? 河马发的东西论坛里有百分之多少的人能看懂??

河小马 发表于 2013-6-6 04:10:05

leeboy 发表于 2013-6-5 18:29 static/image/common/back.gif
我弱弱的问一句? 河马发的东西论坛里有百分之多少的人能看懂??

这个是dns 的问题


staland 发表于 2014-7-5 12:45:51

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