yichen 发表于 2018-3-28 15:41:18

国外某人写的利用wordpress和油土鳖等开展affiliate makting教程

本帖最后由 yichen 于 2018-3-28 15:45 编辑

         If you’ve been thinking about becoming an affiliate marketer then now is the best time to get started.         Don’t wait until tomorrow – start today.You can easily get started by creating a free blog, just like this WordPress.com blog I’ve created.      BUT, you’re better off creating a website and I will show you how very soon…Once you have your site up or free blog then join affiliate programs in your niche and start blogging about topics that will help people in your niche solve problems and answer questions.          Once you have some content up – add your affiliate links and then start finding your audience.          Are they hanging around on forums?Maybe they’re on Youtube?Or they could be reading your favourite blogs.          You can reach out to these people by getting involved!

yichen 发表于 2018-3-28 15:42:10

本帖最后由 yichen 于 2018-3-28 15:44 编辑

      Affiliate Marketing continues to be a very viable and one of the quickest ways to start a successful online business.But one cannot be successful without some preparation before getting started.                   Anyone can create an incredible business online by following these simple tips.


There are numerous articles on the internet with information about creating an online business by becoming an affiliate marketer.Learn the advantages, disadvantages and the skills involved in this industry.

(2)Select your Market (Niche)

Again, research is necessary in order to select the correct market (niche) for you.Find a market that you know something about and, it would be a tremendous advantage to you if you had a passion for the particular market (niche).

       If you don’t know anything about the market then the proper research will get you where you need to be.Next you will find a product in that market (niche).
       Just make sure that the product you select has a high paying commission on sells.

yichen 发表于 2018-3-28 15:46:34

(3) Presell
This can happen only if you have a website or a blog.

It is possible to start your business without a website or a blog but eventually, in order to maximize your profits, you must establish an online presence.

Preselling is introducing your visitors to the product prior to them going to the Sales Copy.

It is getting the customer excited and anxious about making the purchase, even before going to the merchant’s site.

yichen 发表于 2018-3-28 15:53:15

(4) Follow-up with you customers

Create a newsletter, ezine or use email to keep in contact with customers.

This is done in order to stay in touch with customers who have shown an interest but have not made the decision to purchase yet.

This is called “relationship building”.

Relationship building helps by continuing to show your customers that your site is the place to find relevant information.

Once you have started building your list you can use email marketing to stay in contact with your customers and when you promote another similar product you have your customer base.

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