alan7 发表于 2018-1-31 11:30:51


sody 发表于 2018-1-31 12:36:04

JeffWang 发表于 2018-1-30 10:53


kisscssy 发表于 2018-1-31 12:52:05

虽然这种东西很难去证明, 但是afflow也真的太粗暴了, 让我感觉在甩锅,好歹也有点一来二去的环节,直接上来就宣判结果。。。。。。

getseo 发表于 2018-1-31 13:36:21


alibaba 发表于 2018-1-31 14:48:30


499400587 发表于 2018-1-31 23:14:15



499400587 发表于 2018-1-31 23:15:25

Dear affiliate,

Having spoken to our VP in regards this situation, we have some information regarding this incident and how to go forward.

“I just buy traffic, run offer, and then optimize the data for the maximum profit, I did not do anything else illegal.”

When you take in traffic and distribute it (via Monetizer) you should be aware of what it is you are sending.You should also be aware of the consequences if fraud is detected. If you, in fact, did not do anything wrong, and this traffic was not sent intentionally (which I can understand might be the case here), you should complain to the traffic source, who actually did wrong to you.
We are in between you and the advertiser and we only communicate a complaint against your traffic.
Therefore, as is procedure in these cases, your account is “on hold” now for suspicious activity (this protects our advertiser from paying for fraudulent leads, and yourself from purchasing more fraudulent traffic) as we were told by our advertiser that your traffic was fraudulent. We are currently awaiting more information from the advertiser and the carrier about the fraud, which we will for SURE forward to you so that you have all the information we have. Until then communication stays between Monetizer and the Advertiser and Monetizer and yourself only.
If you would like to complain to the public then you can do so, but you should be aware that if the advertiser and carrier are right and you did send fraudulent traffic, this publication of the incident will definitely turn out to your disadvantage, as we will protect our advertisers and partners (which basically sums up the majority of this industry) from your traffic and business and will not just take any name-shaming from your side lightly. You should think twice about whether you can assure 100% that your traffic was NOT fraud and wait for the full report to come.

Kind regards


499400587 发表于 2018-1-31 23:36:34




如果你想向公众投诉,那么你可以这样做,但你应该知道,如果广告商和运营商是正确的,你使用了欺诈性的流量,这个事件的发布肯定会变成你的劣势,因为我们将会保护我们的广告商和合作伙伴(这基本上概括了这个行业的大部分),而不会对您的流量和业务造成任何影响(原话:will not just take any name-shaming from your side lightly感觉怎么翻译都不是那个意思)。您应该考虑一下,您是否可以100%保证您的流量不是欺诈行为,并等待完整的报告。



kisscssy 发表于 2018-1-31 23:46:25


yuze995 发表于 2018-2-1 00:32:42


499400587 发表于 2018-2-1 01:04:56

1/31日夜   给monetizer的邮件回复原文
Dear John
Thank you for responding to me so quickly and communicate for this so actively.

First, let me state again that I did not do anything that violates the rules. Buy traffic, run offer, optimize data and get the most profit, then repeat again and again. I spent a lot of effort for my campaign. I do not think there is a problem with my traffic. I will make my own point of view on this issue next.

Second, I was in a hurry when my account was blocked. I did not understand very much why did you forbid my account at first. Then I went to understand EMU. I think the EMUer make leads through illegal method. Each year, they will cause considerable losses to platforms and advertisers, and even will affect us legitimate affiliate, and then I understand why Monetizerhas such a rigorous review mechanism, that is in the protection of the healthy development of the industry.

Third, you know, in the report you had given me, doubts point to 363264 and 363679 these two websiteID, yes,the offer A (because I can not login to see the offer number, so I call it ‘offer A’)which run on these two sites had brought me a very good income, yes, there may be site owners to create the leads and then let me invest more to buy their traffic. Days after, offer A paused, I started running other offers which came from the same type and the same country on these two sites, but they did not perform well and can even be described as so bad. If the site owners are really cheating, so then when I run other offer should be able to get the same good results.However, this is actually not the case .You can check all my data and see what I'm saying is the truth or not.

Fourth, I still ask you to provide me with a complete report, The report you gave me contains only the data on the 22nd of the 23nd, and I need all the data whitch come form the date 21th, 24th, 25th, and the 26th Whether you think it is legal or not, I want it.

Finally, I like monetizer, many people recommend this platform, including Zeno and so on, I also learned from them these skills, please monetizer give me the truth as soon as possible.

A wronged affiliate by monetizer.

499400587 发表于 2018-2-1 01:07:15

亲爱的 john:


第三,你知道,你给我的report,疑点都指向了363264 和363679 这两个websiteID,是的,在这两个网站运行的offer A (因为我无法登陆账户查看offer编号,暂且叫这个offerA)给我带来了很不错的收益,是的,有可能是网站所有者故意制造leads来让我在他们网站上投入更多的流量费用。后来offer A 暂停了,我开始在这两个网站上跑的其他来自同一个国家同一个类型的offer,但是他们表现并不好,甚至可以用差劲来形容。如果真的是网站所有者在作弊,那么当我在他们网站上跑其他的offer的时候,获得的leads也应该相当不错啊,但事实并非如此。你可以检查我所有的数据,看我说的是不是真话。

第四,我还是要求你们给我提供完整的报告,你给我的报告只包含23日22日的数据,我需要的是所有来自21,24,25和26日的数据。 无论你认为合法与否,我都想要。

最后,我喜欢monetizer ,很多人推荐这个平台,包括zeno等等,我也是是从他们那里学会了这些技能,请monetizer尽快给我真相。

风扬月眠 发表于 2018-2-1 13:50:46


nevin 发表于 2018-2-1 14:37:45


sghd 发表于 2018-2-1 21:26:45

499400587 发表于 2018-2-1 01:07
亲爱的 john:

是 John封你的 ?   
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