本帖最后由 老猫 于 2013-4-7 11:09 编辑用他家的产品有一阵了,VPS+Dedi,一直搞不明白他家的账单是怎么搞的,总觉得多收我的钱,今天仔细发信询问了一下才明白,以下是leaseweb回复我的
"LeaseWeb does not create a daily. So the amount you have paid was for
the specific period of March. Starting the 13.03.2013 until 31.03.2013.
The official start date for a server is always the 1st of the Month. In
your Case that would have been the 01.04.2013.
That means if you were to use them one Month it would be from 01.04.2013
until 30.04.2013."
/////////////// 是我理解错了,请忽略以下内容,大家参照flyingdog的回复 :lol :lol/////////////
大概意思就是 假如你在4月15号买了一台VPS,支付了一个月的钱,但你只能用到4月30号。
TNND~ 月中时买了十几个,付一个月的钱,却用不到一个月。。。坑爹
买的时候都是付全款呢... 买了十几个都这样 本帖最后由 flyingdog 于 2013-4-6 08:41 编辑
你购买时人家给你发的order确认信上面早就解释清楚他们的付款规则了。比如你这月15号购买一台$100的独服,你付的是全款吧,这全款相当于是你下月的的付款。等到这月月底Leaseweb会给你发这月的账单让你付款,也就是等到月底你再付从你开通服务器后到月底的钱就行了,比如你15号当天开通了,那么你月底就得付$50。而你开始购买时付的$100是下月的付款,所以你下月就不用再付款了。 你看看你购买时给你发的order确认信。
Important note regarding LeaseWeb's payment terms:
LeaseWeb's uses a pre-paid payment policy, you will be invoiced on the first of each month for the month ahead.
If your order was processed before the first of the month you will be billed pro rata in your first invoice (this covers the period from setup until the end of the month)
You will receive a payment pro-forma in advance, please ensure your invoice is paid before the 1st of the month to prevent any disruption to your services.
Surcharges apply for servers that are delivered with Datatraffic:
On our Volume Network the surcharge is EUR 0,10 per GB.
On our Premium Network the surcharge is EUR 1,00 per GB.
The surcharge for Virtual servers is EUR 0,10 per GB.
The surcharge for LeaseWeb Cloud servers is EUR 0,06 per GB.
These surcharges will be added to your invoice if your actual traffic exceeds your data traffic pack. For the LeaseWeb Cloud product data traffic is surcharged on a Virtual Network level, not on individual instance level.
多谢指点。。。。。。。。。。。 不是这样的,lw是月初1号支付的,你4月15日买的是支付的5.1-5.30的钱,但是你4.15-4.30的钱得在5.1支付,按天数计算。
我用他家服务器几年了一直这样 很多都这样,没多收你钱 他家性价比不算高
很多家都是付款后几分钟就开通 :lol 我越看越晕了 固定日期结算首次购买应该算购买日期到结算日期的钱吧。。。 这个还是不错的嘛!买一个体验一下. 楼上已经有人解答了。 我是上个月底买的VPS,它的开通时间直接就是下个月一号开始。没有提示补交费用。可能是账单日之后购买的缘故吧 楼主的英文水平有待提高啊。板凳君正解。
另外,Leaseweb的机房,买毒妇可不是立即上线的喔。 我前几天刚买了个Dedi10分钟开通哦 只是IP和加内存 要后续等他们操作