Affiliates and Advertisers,Envyus Media is now opening up the opportunity for affiliates and advertisers to leverage our internal mailing division. Our team will mail your data on a revshare basis allowing you to simply sit back and earn a return on your data. Our team concentrates on GI data (General Internet) that is US based.
Our team will mail your data on a magnitude of offers in every vertical maximizing revenue squeezing out as much money as possibly. We mail aggressively and have a proven track record of providing an excellent return for our partners.
If you are interested in working with our mailing team please get in touch with me to discusss details. Thank you for being a part of Envyus Media.
Brian McLevis | President | Envyus Media
phone: 800.450.9507 x101 | web: envyusmedia.com | aim: envyusbrian这哥们前一阵子还在fb上追着人问该怎么mail, 哪里去买IP,哪里去买domain。。。等等等等
{:3_49:}没看懂。是个广告联盟要收了你吗? 敢在河马面前班门弄斧;P yincthh 发表于 2013-4-1 00:40 static/image/common/back.gif
貌似是想找有邮件地址表的人。把email列表提供给他们来发,利润分享。 估计是参加了中国的培训班,速成了。;P 菜鸟的脚步 发表于 2013-3-31 15:48 static/image/common/back.gif
老外的培训班也是不少的 看来忽悠不仅仅是中国有啊,到处都是大忽悠 just like teach his grandma how to suck eggs~ 1.找不到gi数据,想从河马那里套用现成的
思路不错,话说现在没个team都不好意思说自己是做网络的:lol 哈哈中国的忽悠 最先都是从国外传来的 都是互相忽悠~