kelgood 发表于 2017-10-27 18:48:20


本帖最后由 kelgood 于 2017-10-27 18:58 编辑

smartlink也就是最近这两年才流行起来的,直到现在很多联盟里面都有了smartlink的offer。甚至有一些network是专攻smartlink的,没有single offer.
像我这种主要跑paid traffic的aff 最怕的就是流量被浪费了。
最早的时候那时联盟也比较傻,有的link 因为地域不同,打开以后直接就是空白的页面。
后来联盟学聪明了,只要访问你offer link的用户不符合offer的地域。或者明明是PC的offer,但有的用户用mobile访问了
无非就是判断当前用户的地域 系统等等一些参数,然后出现一个对他们来说目前效果最好的offer。
因为很容易就出现你的banner和LP 与最后展现出来的offer完全不符,这才是最尴尬的。
抛去一些人为因素,主要的还是因为traffic source那边他们自己的一些错误,导致流量并不完全准确。
比如说你只跑wifi的流量,但有的时候就是会有一些3g 4g运营商的的流量进来。你设置了rule以后
跳转到smartlink就会出现那种1click 2click的订阅offer
之前是只有smartlink,最近开始才有了single offer。但重点还是在smartlink这里。
跑的多了以后可以周付。这个是我的Referral link
但是小胖子说通过我的Referral 注册或者说是zhou的朋友,通过我介绍来的,会额外提供一些帮助和优惠。。
他们家的优点是你可以设置你smartlink的offer 类型,系统,国家等各种条件。

Tommy_R00t 发表于 2017-10-27 18:59:08

如需直接协助,请直接通过QQ 1772810254 / WeChat ID直接联系:Tommy_R00t或Skype:tommyjohnson88

kelgood 发表于 2017-10-27 19:09:19

Tommy_R00t 发表于 2017-10-27 18:59
如需直接协助,请直接通过QQ 1772810254 / WeChat ID直接联系:Tommy_R00t或Skype:tommyjohnson88 ...


barry 发表于 2017-10-27 20:03:00


barry 发表于 2017-10-27 20:05:20

我最近也一直在尝试这一块,Monetizer也就是Afflow看起来挺不错的,楼主有试过嘛?有个疑问需要请教下,为什么联盟不让我们看到Smartlink 产生点击后内部Offer的分流情况呢,我觉得这样更利于我针对表现好的Offer进行优化投放啊

清风教父 发表于 2017-10-27 20:23:13

只能做为cloak用或者剩余流量,根本 不值 得做为主方向研究。或者加上流量劫持可以试试。

Tommy_R00t 发表于 2017-10-27 22:23:16

Hey guys,

Usually, I recommend to partners which have a wide coverage of traffic volume to begin sending traffic to Smart Link on WW traffic for 12h/24h, running 2-3 traffic sources at the same time. This is ideal to start with as we can see after this test which are the single campaigns/offers which will convert best for you and compile them together in a custom HybridLink®.
Having also the possibility of using up to 4 Click IDs, you’d have the perfect match between the zones/traffic sources to bid more on, on the campaigns which will convert best for you.

I suggest Smart Link as a prime step for:

- Affiliates & Media Buyers which buy bulk traffic and don’t have a system to filter/part the traffic correctly. (especially in the case of Carrier Billing, not being able to identify correctly the ISP of the visitor, results in failed billing event, as most offers have strict flows which only work with specific mobile carriers)
* We use Net Acuity from Digital Elements, which is the same ISP detection tool that is using, which is the most used Tracker worldwide.
However, most traffic sources don’t use advanced ISP detection tools, as it’s not in their interest, traffic is purchased anyway :)
- Publishers which have one or several sites for which they need a simple solution to monetize their traffic;
For Publishers, we provide also additional setups to run traffic via Smart Link:

The Smart API, which is a code containing a single URL (SmartLink ID) that allows you to only target specific users which are relevant to the type of campaigns you want to run (example: to only open popunder for specific GEO, Carrier &Device, like IT 3G Vodafone), thus allowing the rest of their visitors to have a great experience on their sites.
It’s also the most Google-Friendly code & increases your overall user experience. It’s the most risk-free setup because the pop up will appear one time a day for each user.

The Split API, which is a setup that allows you to promote our top offers and keep the remnant traffic to your current sponsor or preferred URL. This is the best set up to choose if you are working with 2 networks. For all of them, you can select capping, the promo tool you want to use and specify the click IDs.

-Single Offer Marketplace-

Today, everybody has access to tools such as AdPlexity, AdSpy Tools etc., to scan & identify offers that networks or other affiliates are promoting, and having such a huge variety of networks & offers to run, it’s nearly impossible to always be running the offers which don’t have a lower market saturation.
Most common offer marketplaces gather intel on campaigns and set them on the marketplace without doing a background check or minor testing on them, whereas we at BitterStrawberry always set live on the marketplace campaigns which are run & tested internally by our Media Buy department.

Our Single Offer Marketplace (Moneyplace) consists in over 14000 single offers, which affiliates can choose from, covering 20+ verticals such as 大人, Games, Nutra, Education, Glamour, Sweeps, AV, E-Commerce & more.

As most affiliates channel on a particular Niche/Vertical such as Male Enhancement Offers, they’re collecting similar offers from a dozen of networks and do A/B testing on them by using or other 3rd party tools. However, running offers from various networks also means you have different payout dates & rates, so managing cash flow becomes a problem.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could A/B test tens of similar offers within a single network and still be able to do easy A/B testing, plus receive fresh new offers every day to meet your criteria?

-HybridLink® -

HybridLink® by BitterStrawberry was created with a very specific goal, to streamline your offer targeting, A/B testing & monetization process while at the same time giving you freedom, by letting you choose from 14.000 direct premium advertiser single offers & creating the most profitable mix of offers available to your worldwide audience.

By using Hybrid Link, you’ll be able to add unlimited offers in one URL, and set capping, percentage & more, in one simple interface.
If an offer gets de-activated, the % is automatically redistributed amongst the other campaigns set for the targeting.

You can see which ClickIDs are correct targeting and thus be able to cut down low performing traffic zones, due to the 4 SubID placeholders we support.

Most importantly, either if you’re sending traffic which doesn’t match the targeting of the single offers you’ve compiled in your HybridLink, it will be identified by our system and sent via your Backup Smart Link to the best-convertingoffer by EPC,matching the visitors footprint (GEO, Carrier, Device, Time);
So all your traffic is monetized, no matter what.

Al in all, we provide our partners all the tools you need to monetize up to 99,9% of your traffic.

In terms of payment, we’re fully independent financially, we process payments with no delay, Net15, and cover a wide range of payment methods such as:

Bank Wire, Paxum, Paypal, Payoneer, Webmoney, Bitcoin.
The minimum balance you need to reach to get paid is 100 EUR or the equivalent in US$.
We can pay Weekly & Monthly, to meet the needs of all affiliates.

Above all, there is no threshold you need to reach to have a direct, dedicated Affiliate Manager to help you from your registration throughout your affiliate journey with

All our affiliates are important to us and deserve the same support, feedback & guidance.

We hope you will join our network soon!

P.S. We recently won the award for Best International CPA Network, you can Google it. I don't know if posting links is allowed as I am new here.

You can join here and get immediate approval via the promo link above.

blue 发表于 2017-10-28 10:17:36


globalhawk 发表于 2017-10-28 16:30:58

verticals such as 大人, Games, Nutra, Education, Glamour, Sweeps, AV, E-Commerce & more

Tommy_R00t 发表于 2017-10-29 03:47:37

blue 发表于 2017-10-28 10:17

What is the username you registered? add me directly on Skype or QQ :)

Tommy_R00t 发表于 2017-10-29 03:48:25

globalhawk 发表于 2017-10-28 16:30
verticals such as 大人, Games, Nutra, Education, Glamour, Sweeps, AV, E-Commerce & more

Yes, we cover most of everything, Shunyi!

abczt 发表于 2017-10-29 07:37:08


小白龙 发表于 2017-10-29 10:40:37

:o 这家我有点印象,以前好像是卖流量的

Tommy_R00t 发表于 2017-10-30 15:54:22

Hello everyone and thank you for your nice feedback. I'm always ready to help every new affiliate and turn to success.
For those of you which have registered but have different Account Manager, please message me the email or username you have used to register and I will transfer under & help you with unique custom account setup!

ohyeah 发表于 2017-11-24 11:49:10

页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: 说说我自己对smartlink的理解,推荐个不错的network