amzon aff允许这种弹出广告?
看到一个站, 进到产品评测页, 大概过10s会从中间弹出一个大图, 右上角有个假的关闭X, 实际是画在图片上的,左上角才是真的关闭按钮.
这个似乎违规了吧, 但这个站做的很大, ahrefs流量4万多.
(o) You will not post or serve any Special Links or other content promoting the Amazon Site within any pop-up or pop-under windows, transitional page ads, or layer ads, except for pop-up windows in conjunction with your Site promoting Products closely associated with the materials on your Site. 违规的很明显,现在不中招,估计晚点就会了。Amazon TOS是最变态的,没有之一。 大佬,现在niche站流量如何了