请问一下什么是 Thin Affiliates?
请问一下什么是 Thin Affiliates?没有上下文,谁知道是什么? A thin affiliate is a website that earns money from affiliate commissions. It exists only to make money. The spammer shows content from other “real” merchant sites, such as Amazon or eBay, or a good hotel or travel website. When users click on links to buy products or make reservations, they are redirected to the “real” merchant page.
引用百度知道的回答 就是还没长胖的affiliater. 之前翻译过一篇文章,里面说到了thin page和shallow page,我觉得应该是一样的意思。具体你看一下:
Shallow page vs. thin page: thin page, 薄页,是指内容较短,但信息可能是有益的;而shallow page, 浅页,指缺乏内容的页面,例如,一个页面可能很长,但其中信息量很小,就是一个thick but shallow page. 河小马 发表于 2013-3-15 21:11 static/image/common/back.gif
Thin Affiliates: Spammers make money when a transaction is completed after the user has clicked through to
the merchant’s site from their webpages. A thin affiliate typically doesn’t add much value compared to many
other sources of information on the Web, and often sends the user to another website to complete the actual
purchase. cjyzpcl 发表于 2013-3-15 21:13 static/image/common/back.gif
;P 笑死·~