dwind 发表于 2016-11-16 15:49:07

Find Competitors to Spy On

Find Competitors to Spy On找到监视竞争对手First, we need a way to find competitors. This can be done by browsing traffic sources obviously. Another way to find affiliates is to use an oldie but goodie:首先,我们需要一种方法来找到竞争对手。这显然可以通过浏览流量来源。发现子公司的另一种方法是使用一个老掉牙但好用的桥段:Do a Google search for \"t202kw\" + \"keyword/niche\". You'll see a bunch of LP's that have been indexed. You can also search allinurl:\"t202id\" \"t202kw\".做一个谷歌搜索“t202kw”+“关键字/利基”。你会看到一堆LP的索引。你也可以搜索allinurl:“t202id”“t202kw”。For CPV Lab search inurl:\"/base.php? c=\" +\"key=\"CPV实验室搜索inurl:“/ base.php吗?c = \" + \"键= \"Follow Redirects/Trace Links遵循重定向/跟踪链接First, install Live HTTP Headers. You'll use this to follow redirects. When you click on an ad, have Live HTTP Headers on and follow the redirects. It will usually go ad-->tracker (p202, etc)-->offer. With Live HTTP Headers you'll be able to pick out the tracking domain as it goes by.首先,安装Live HTTP Headers。您将使用此重定向。当你点击一个广告,Live HTTP Headers,遵循重定向。它通常会广告- - >追踪(p202等等)——>提供。与Live HTTP Headers你可以挑选跟踪领域,因为它的流逝。So now that you've identified some affiliates, it's time to see what they're up to. With Live HTTP headers, you can see what affiliate network they're running through from the url's the link goes through. You'll just need to familiarize yourself with the different networks tracking domains (pretty easy to figure out though).现在你已经确定了一些子公司,是时候看看他们。使用Live HTTP headers,您可以看看联盟网络他们贯穿从url的链接进入。你只需要熟悉不同的网络跟踪域(很容易找到)。*Tip* Try going to the root of the domain LP you're checking out. Sometimes people will forget to put an index at the root, leaving all their LP's wide open for viewing*提示*试试去的根域LP你检查。有时人们会忘记把索引的根,把他们所有的LP的开放以供查看Digging Deeper更深入的研究Next, you can check the whois (this doesn't usually revel anything great but..) by going to http://www.ewhois.com/接下来,您可以检查域名查询服务(这通常不会陶醉伟大但. .),http://www.ewhois.com/ewhois has a couple interesting features. You can find other sites using the same Google Analytics ID, or Adsense publisher id. Do a search for Singlesnet.com, click on the 'reverse analytics' tab, and you'll see other sites using that same analytics ID. I've used this to find what other sites an affiliate runs.ewhois有一些有趣的特性。你可以找到其他网站使用相同的Google Analytics ID,或者广告发行商ID。做一个搜索Singlesnet.com,单击“反向分析”选项卡,您将看到其他网站使用相同的分析ID。我这找到其他网站使用一个附属。Sometimes you can find useful information from Alexa, looking at the clickstream. Plug in a competitors domain and view the upstream sites to see where they're getting traffic from and the downstream sites to see what offers they're promoting.有时你可以从Alexa中找到有用的信息,查看点击流。塞在竞争对手域和视图上游网站看到他们得到流量和下游网站看看他们推广。Want to know what other sites are on an IP address? Use http://www.myipneighbors.com/想知道其他网站在一个IP地址?使用http://www.myipneighbors.com/Want to know where someone is hosting? Use http://www.whoishostingthis.com/想知道某人在哪里举办吗?使用http://www.whoishostingthis.com/Putting it All Together把它放在一起Using various combinations of these techniques can be really helpful to figure out what affiliates are up to. You can usually figure out what traffic sources they're running on, other landing pages, other sites, and what networks they run traffic through.使用这些技术的各种组合可以真正帮助找出子公司。通常你可以算出流量来源上运行,其他着陆页,其他网站,网络运行流量通过。So now you're probably excited to put on your spy glasses and get to work, but freak out that people are doing the same thing to you! In the next part of this post, I'll show you a few ways you can protect yourself from some of these tactics.现在你可能会兴奋地穿上你的间谍眼镜,开始工作,但反常的人对你做同样的事情!在这篇文章的下一部分中,我将向您展示几个方法可以保护自己免受这些策略。If they put an index at the root, and you cant find anything from there, try doing the following search on google:如果他们把索引的根,你不能找到任何从那里,尝试以下搜索在谷歌上:site:domainname.com网站:domainname.comUsually brings out a bunch of landers!通常带来一堆兰德斯!For google search, do i search this way: \"t202kw\" + \"loans\" ? or t202kw + loans ?谷歌搜索,我搜索:“t202kw”+“贷款”?或t202kw +贷款?Exactly as shown in the example. You can also Google - Google power search tips and get more examples. Keep in mind this post started in 2012. Most affiliates are not using that tracking tool anymore as more advanced tools have hit the market.如这个例子所示。你也可以谷歌权力——谷歌搜索建议和获得更多的例子。记住这篇文章开始于2012年。大多数子公司不再使用该跟踪工具是更高级的工具已经上市。I tried some ways above and come out with whole lot of funny links, what does it mean by indexed LP?我尝试了一些方法,推出很多有趣的链接,索引LP是什么意思?Indexed simply means Google has crawled the page and now it shows up in the Google searches. If a page is not indexed (Known) then it won't show up in search results.索引仅仅意味着谷歌抓取页面,现在出现在Google搜索。如果一个页面没有索引(已知),那么它不会出现在搜索结果中。what root domain am I looking for here (I have redirect path tool in my Chrome though).这里我找根域(我在Chrome浏览器重定向路径工具)。You are simply looking at the hops AKA the re-directs to find the source of the offer. Let's say I'm on Above All Offers pushing an offer. You can tell who I am running with by tracing the re-directs and examining the URLS. This tells you where the offer originates from. Keep in mind however that you won't always be able to tell. There are many factors involved. Honestly it's more of an advanced technique and not something even needed.你只是看着啤酒花即引导发现提供的来源。假设我在最重要的是提供了报价。你可以告诉我是谁运行通过跟踪引导和检查url。这告诉你提供源于。记住,如果你不会总是能够告诉。有许多因素。老实说这是更多的先进技术,甚至不是必要的。I often find some CPV domain at similar web. Do I use that? XXXX.com我经常发现一些CPV域相似的网页。我用这个吗?XXXX.comYes you can. You want the affilite link however so you may need to visit that domain and then click the affiliate link on the page to trace it back using Live HTTP Headers.是的,你可以。你想affilite链接但是你可能需要访问该域,然后单击页面上的附属链接跟踪使用Live HTTP Headers回来。And also any simple explanation of what is making the above stuffs work?任何简单的解释也让上面的东西是什么工作?Every page has Meta Data. This data is used to pass on information between websites / hosts. All Live HTTP HEADERS is doing is marking every re-direct that is taking place. These are often reffered to as HOPS. So My affiliate link may look like this每个页面都有元数据。这些数据用于网站/主机之间传递信息。所有Live HTTP HEADERS做标记每一个重新定位。这是震后啤酒花。所以我的会员链接看起来像这样domain . com/affiliatelink.html域。com/affiliatelink.htmlWhen clicked HTTP Live Headers records the multiple pages I go through to get to the final destination当单击HTTP住头记录多个页面我经历到最终目的地1st hop: My re-direct page for the affilite linkaffilite跳1:我重新定位页面链接2nd hop: The re-direct page for tracking on the Offer network like Above All offers跳2:页面重新定位跟踪等提供网络首先报价3rd hop: Vendor page / final destination.第三跳:供应商页面/最终的目的地。So Live HTTP Headers records all 3 of these hops and I can see the URL. Now I can examine it and see that on the second hop it's running through AboveAllOffers. This technique is used by some affiliates to see who is the offer source. Perhaps Above All Offers is actually sourcing the offer from Mundo Media. If that was the case then I can go to Mundo Media and most likely get a better payout. The trouble comes in from identifiing which network is the source because in 2015 all of them use dedicated domains to route the re-direct through. So in the Live HTTP header you may just see the domain mmn-tracking . com which really tells you nothing unless you know that particular network uses that domain for the re-directs.所以Live HTTP Headers记录所有3的啤酒花和我能看到URL。现在我可以检查它,看到第二跳贯穿AboveAllOffers。这种技术被一些子公司看谁提供来源。也许最重要的是提供实际上是采购提供的世界媒体。如果是这样,那么我可以去世界媒体和最有可能得到更好的支付。麻烦在来自2015年网络源标识符因为他们使用专用域路由通过重新定位。所以在Live HTTP头你会看到域mmn-tracking。com,真的什么都不告诉你,除非你知道特定的网络使用域的引导。This is about as simple as I can get. It's nothing to focus on or spend a lot of time on.这是我能得到那么简单。没什么关注或花很多时间。Another nice spy technique is to use the 'use this image to search Google' option on Chrome to find all the places a banner is being used.另一个不错的间谍技术是使用“使用这张图片来搜索谷歌”选项在Chrome找到一个旗帜的所有地方。

Mykonos 发表于 2016-11-16 16:32:51


漠洲 发表于 2016-11-16 20:08:15

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