wjw_biter 发表于 2016-11-8 11:12:10


本帖最后由 wjw_biter 于 2017-1-19 16:54 编辑



Google is very clever now, it changes it’s algorithm on daily basis to show the best possible results for the “searched query”.
Now, google prefer QUALITY over QUANTITY.If you know how to provide quality content and explain what exactly your visitor wants from you, you can rock!
Simple as that.
Just provide your visitor with the ton of information including “Text, Images, Charts, Graphs and Tables”, to reduce the bounce rate and increase the “User time on page” you can get the rankings you deserve.



1.Must a plan
2. lengthy articles. 5000 words. include everything in my articles, like tables, detailed reviews, suggestions, tips, buyer’s guide, and pros and cons.

3.I use web 2.0 and Guestographic.scholarship.
4. keywords?“BEST ”
5.content. let my writer know the content structure I prefer.insist on a good introduction because it’s the main thing that controls the bounce rate and visitor’s average time on that page.After a great introduction, I include a table, which lists down the top 10 products I am going to include in my article.
Yoast SEO: Who don’t want to install this plugin? I can’t imagine my career success without this big beast.
Shortcode Ultimate: For someone like me, a website’s beauty matters a lot! And this is where this plugin comes in. It helps me with inserting buttons, laying out my content structure and a lot of other things.

Now, there is also another plugin called “thrive content builder” that does almost the same thing- but I don’t really like it. Why? Well, because I am not used to that. I’m quicker with the Shortcode Ultimate.
Tablepress: Well, this one is love. It helps me with creating tables in minutes.
7.strategy to drive traffic to your website? What link building tips can you offer?
Social Signals has the same worth as the link building process.
For the social signals, I always head towards addmefast.com. I do retweets and repins for each of my newly published posts to get a kickstart

8.Link building.
I created my scholarship program and started reaching out to universities and got a chunk of links from there. I submitted articles to various article directories and created few Web 2.0 links. As an addition, I bought a service for this job from BHW.​

wjw_biter 发表于 2017-1-19 15:39:58

2012nian 发表于 2017-1-16 11:50
http://nichepie.com/30k-archived/ 已经更新了

似乎没什么特别有借鉴价值的,他说的BuzzFeed, LifeHack, Reviews.org等外链,fiverr上都能买到,我买过,没什么效果。

wjw_biter 发表于 2017-1-19 15:28:31

wyhgood 发表于 2016-11-21 20:58
我是刚开始,专心研究了一段时间 kw,以及竞争性分析    这个投资回报慢,目前不打算深入去做 ...


hua120 发表于 2016-11-8 21:24:30

感谢分享 非常有参考价值

wyhgood 发表于 2016-11-9 15:54:41


Endeavour 发表于 2016-11-9 21:11:15


yzd471790585 发表于 2016-11-10 12:11:32


medical002 发表于 2016-11-10 20:08:25

1000刀赞助一年,然后几十个edu backlinks,比pbn划算。

wjw_biter 发表于 2016-11-21 15:13:40

medical002 发表于 2016-11-10 20:08
1000刀赞助一年,然后几十个edu backlinks,比pbn划算。


bing458 发表于 2016-11-21 17:12:24

wjw_biter 发表于 2016-11-21 15:13


wyhgood 发表于 2016-11-21 17:27:37

bing458 发表于 2016-11-21 17:12
不吹牛,这个人我跟他聊过,就是1k刀,而且他做这些外链之前,网站排名已经很好了,就是说这些不是他排名 ...

奇怪他这个站 为什么排名这么高 因为内容吗 onpage 做的好?

bing458 发表于 2016-11-21 20:14:49

wyhgood 发表于 2016-11-21 17:27
奇怪他这个站 为什么排名这么高 因为内容吗 onpage 做的好?

主要估计是内容搞得好的,之前排名没那么好的,现在估计都超过3万刀一个月了。 web2.0 是BHW外包的服务,用的是spun的内容,他不推荐的

wyhgood 发表于 2016-11-21 20:25:02

bing458 发表于 2016-11-21 20:14
主要估计是内容搞得好的,之前排名没那么好的,现在估计都超过3万刀一个月了。 web2.0 是BHW外包的服务, ...


bing458 发表于 2016-11-21 20:37:52

wyhgood 发表于 2016-11-21 20:25
的确,我也分析过好久他的这个站很多关键词排名都很高看来用户停留时长,跳出率等因素对排名影响很大 ...

你现在在搞niche 站?

wyhgood 发表于 2016-11-21 20:58:17

bing458 发表于 2016-11-21 20:37
你现在在搞niche 站?

我是刚开始,专心研究了一段时间 kw,以及竞争性分析    这个投资回报慢,目前不打算深入去做

2012nian 发表于 2017-1-16 11:50:02

http://nichepie.com/30k-archived/ 已经更新了
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