Landing Page: Landing page does not work or is non-compliant (Check redirects in all countries we serve traffic in)- Check your targeting. Often, landers will only direct to an intended offer in the country that the offer is valid in. Thus, if you leave country targeting out, you’ll be targeting ALL the countries that POF has traffic in! For example, your URL could redirect to BeNaughty in Ireland.
LZ 上面写的很清楚了
要买是你的offer 有geo ip的问题 就是geo问题,不知道你是用哪家的,nba的geo还tm关不掉,飞得上个lp,我去。 啥事geo。用的是cubecpa的dating任务。 河马亲自出来给你翻译啊,哈哈
即使是培训班也没有人会这样的吧. yincthh 发表于 2013-3-7 12:12 static/image/common/back.gif
GEO是个IP数据库,加点分吧兄弟 这就是以后的STM了 Are you age? 这句话抄的吗? gagagugu 发表于 2013-3-7 14:48 static/image/common/back.gif
Are you age? 这句话抄的吗?
是要传参数的。 本帖最后由 yincthh 于 2013-3-7 17:41 编辑
Landing pages / Destination URLs
1) Ads that contain a URL or domain in the body must link to that same URL or domain.
2) Ads must send users to the same landing page when the ad is clicked.
3) Landing pages cannot use "fake" close behaviour (ie. when a user clicks the 'close' icon on the page, the page should close down and no other behaviour should result).
4) Landing pages cannot utilize "mouse trapping" whereby the advertiser does not allow users to use their browser "back button" and traps them on their site and/or present any other unexpected behaviour (for example: navigation to another ad or page).
5) Landing pages that have monthly shipping and rebilling charges, must clearly have a disclaimer at the bottom of their landing page, stating exactly the rebill amounts. Find more disclaimer information here.
6) Landing pages may not have ANY celebrity images, brands or logos present on their landing pages, unless the celebrity is a PAID spokesperson of that product.
7) Landing pages may not have any images, logos or references back to corporate companies such as Google, Twitter or other corporations.
本帖最后由 知行合一 于 2013-3-7 17:50 编辑
{:3_60:}现在花掉了22美元广告才一个转换。6美元。 建议LZ 申请NBA。。。系统相当的舒服。。。
否则自己搭建一个geo redirect 系统 河小马 发表于 2013-3-7 21:41 static/image/common/back.gif
建议LZ 申请NBA。。。系统相当的舒服。。。
否则自己搭建一个geo redirect 系统 ...
Landing Page: Cannot contain inappropriate images, offensive content, celebrities or references POF in any way.
NBA不是篮球吗。还有geo redirect是啥。 neverblue.com = NBA