13631319474 发表于 2016-3-12 10:22:25




并透露一些检测方法。 这个东西值些钱。


me *** me has shared contact details with am. ***
me: hi
me: are you phi?

am: phi?
am: what's phi?
am: Oh yeah?

me: no, phi is my Am in you CPA network

am: No, PhiL -was- your AM. You no longer have an account with us.

me: ? why

am: Because I know who you are.
am: I've known the whole time.

me: ?
me: .you are fraud

am: Awful quiet all of a sudden
am: No, YOU are fraud.

me: what do you mean ?

am: Just so you know, I see every single time you sign up for an account with fake information. Unless you format your computer, there is no way you will get rid of what I dropped on your computer.

me: whatfake information?

am: Look quit playing stupid before you piss me off. I know you're in China.

me: no

am: Now you want to lie to me?

am: Considering I'm pinging your computer in Guangdong I'd be very careful of lying to me.

am: Why so quiet?
am: Ok, well chinaman, just so you know in the future, I will keep letting you earn, but you will never see a penny of that money. Same with all your frauder friends over at your little forum ;)

me: ?

am: having issues translating?
am: cao ni ma da shabi

me: i do not know what you mean

am: I'm done dealing with you. I despise liars, and thieves, which you are both.

me: I have something to busy

am: your broken english sucks.
am: your account has been terminated, you will never be paid. you sign up again with fake information, and guess what... again, you won't be paid.

me: you CPA network will die in your hands

am: Sure it will you chinese fucktard
am: you mad?

me: can my ask you some question?

am: Sure go for it

me: how can you find my ip

am: I drop an undetectable cookie on everyones computer. 0day exploit.

me: for xss ?

am: Not discussing how, because at that point it is easy to narrow down where it is, and how it's done. It's not a public exploit.

me: I think you are bullshit
me: you find that by Skype oday

am: Your skype says OroMocto, Canada

me: no

am: http://i.imgur.com/UvF67rw.jpg
am: yeah, it does.

me: ...

am: OroMocto, Canada.

me: I login my account with sock5 .every times

am: I know, and I'm working on packing a backdoor that will auto download execute by the new year. :)

me: then . In the future ,I must install all system patches
me: and install anti-virus software

am: Good luck with that. Just know that you will never be paid. You can attempt to sign up a billion times. I will let you run thousands upon thousands of dollars, but when pay day comes.. /ban

me: thanks that

me: you don't know that

am: So I look forward to talking to you again on your next fake name. Not sure what the point of it is.
am: Sure I do, you have no idea who I am. :)
am: (clap)
am: You may never hear from me again, you may hear from another AM.. but I can asure you that you will not get paid.
am: Tell me what the point of signing up with fake names and addresses is.

me: no,I will say

13631319474 发表于 2016-11-7 17:05:24

dzkjz 发表于 2016-11-6 15:48
AM用了个0day 查到了po主的真实IP,这个0day不算0day,之前爆了,现在没多大事了,联盟经理查得到查不到这 ...


ads419 发表于 2016-3-13 07:54:47


咧咧 发表于 2016-9-2 12:06:02


hechaoing 发表于 2016-11-2 14:01:41

我英语垃圾,半天才看完,翻译了半天!!!AM说的拼音 很牛啊!!:)

ztcdota 发表于 2016-11-3 17:28:25


dzkjz 发表于 2016-11-6 15:48:13

AM用了个0day 查到了po主的真实IP,这个0day不算0day,之前爆了,现在没多大事了,联盟经理查得到查不到这个不关键,关键是广告主给钱还是不给钱,就算affiliate带了fraud,麻蛋广告主给钱了,这就很尴尬了不是。

dzkjz 发表于 2016-11-8 05:38:13

13631319474 发表于 2016-11-7 17:05


13631319474 发表于 2016-11-9 11:31:49

dzkjz 发表于 2016-11-8 05:38
Cookies相关的,AM后面还会用这招炸鱼的,炸鱼很好玩,一般这类AM或者联盟也没啥意思 ...

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