本帖最后由 piaoyao2010 于 2016-2-3 21:57 编辑FXOPEN 这家怎么样?如果找人代玩,会有什么问题?
建议还是用fxcm吧 FXOPEN充值太蛋疼了,打算用PAYZA充值,试了N次,都显示这个:We apologize for the inconvenience. This merchant is not able to accept payments through Payza at this time. Thank you for your understanding. If you are the owner of the button, please make sure to register your website with Payza by logging in to your account and select Business/Websites. 到底是哪里出问题?浏览器也换过了,还是不行。:Q 终于弄明白了,不能用CHINA的平台进账户。