EWA Closing it's door
http://performinsider.com/2013/02/ewa-officially-closes-doors/<div>Dear EWA Affiliates,</div><div></div><div>First off, I would like to personally apologize as truly and honestly as I can for everything that EWA Private Network has put our publishers through these past months. It’s been a turbulent road for my company and it’s taken quite the toll on me and the staff around me. Believe it or not, I care about the reputation of my company I care about the publishers in my network – it burdens me daily to see what has happened. We incurred massive losses due to non-paying merchants, combined with internal problems lead to a situation which needed an outside investor to help resolve.</div><div>
</div><div>I spent upwards of a year seeking individuals and companies to invest into EWA and the entire process of finding an investor was draining on me – I was lead on and let down many times. Unfortunately, our most recent investor possibility ended up falling through leaving EWA with no other options. We have decided that it’s time to close our doors while we continue to seek a new investor to take over the company. Meanwhile, we will be working with a restructuring agent to liquidating our receivables and sell our assets in a way to repay outstanding payables.</div><div>
</div><div>Leaving EWA Network on a note like this was the absolute hardest choice I’ve made in my business career. I gave it my absolute 100% best and tried the hardest that I could, spending hours a day trying to make this company the best that it could be. Running EWA Network for these past four years and interacting with the thousands of EWA affiliates has been one of the best experiences that I’ve had, and I’d like to apologize once again to all our clients for the situation that we were put in.</div><div>
</div><div>Finally, I would like to apologize to our staff – especially the account managers, international partners, and our network manager on the front lines everyday. They were put into a situation where they were at the mercy of the companies problems. I accept the blame fully for it, and I want nothing that happened to the company reflect onto their shoulders because they did the best they did with cards they were dealt. When we thought the investor was coming through, I told them to pull – and when we were left empty handed, they were the ones to take the blame. They were the lifeblood of our company and I appreciate every minute they spent making EWA great.</div><div>
</div><div>On March 1st, 2013 we will be pausing all traffic to EWA publishers. Thank you for your years of support and the millionsof dollars in revenue that has run through EWA Network. It’s been amazing to see the growth of so many publishers since the beginning and I’m truly grateful for every single one of you.</div>唯一的感觉就是。。终于可以少看一些眉飞色舞的宣传banner了。。
在这方面,我觉得很多的联盟都做的很长好,尤其是对资金流的控制。 终于关门了,无数次看到有人反应EWA没有payment了。。 准备给他回封信, 说,
这是他这辈子做出的最正确的决定. 感慨一下! close得good:lol 难道被emu得狠了?我看大家都说这公司不错的呀,也倒了? 我靠,还没给我付款呢!shit!!! 杯具了 是不是倒了,就不用付款了? 那个Ryan Eagle的生活好腐败;P 前阵子还说扩展中国市场呢,真能吹啊:lol 还欠我2w刀 难道是传说中的破产保护,元芳,你怎么看?