国内服务商 去年抢注的一个豹子米 没提醒我续费 有一天打电话 我以为是骗子 没理会挂掉了 结果没续费了现在想起来 但是时间已经过了好像 还有机会么这个日期可以要回来的,不过应该是需要赎回费用的,参考GODADDY的是$80。 好米就要赎回,不然后悔就晚了 赎回吧。。 怎么赎回,发邮件给pheenixs吗,服务商说后台没有这个域名了,pheenix的赎回期限是多久? 你注册域名的地方都有赎回的选项吧 说卖掉了! 说规定30天 卧槽
Please review our Terms of Service. https://www.pheenix.com/backorders3/tos.php
After a domain name has expired for longer than 30 days, you lose all rights to it. We may sell the domain name in our Marketplace.
In this case we did and it was sold. 真可惜啊。。。 pheenix卖的真几把快,粗心大意, 几万RMB没了:'(:'(There is nothing that we can do about this. You have agreed to our Terms of Service and the domain has already been sold.