以前贪便宜买了在networksolutions.com买了一刀域名,现在有个网站流量起来了,实在舍不得丢弃,想要续费,但是每次续费都不成功,今天发邮件问客服。给的回复是With regard to your concern, our record shows that there was an issue with payments for your account. As a result, the account got suspended. To remove the suspension on the account, please call our Customer Service Department at the phone numbers listed below. You will be asked to provide a new credit card for us to apply the payments for your services.哪个兄弟能帮忙解决,愿意支付100元辛苦费,域名明天就过期了,急求
他们让你电话过去提供一个新的信用卡,你可以问下后台不可以自己修改吗? 域名终于续费上了,一度要放弃,感谢58850290这个兄弟帮我代打,至少帮我挽回千刀损失,感谢 本帖最后由 羽凡 于 2017-8-18 17:17 编辑