99995 发表于 2015-8-29 12:50:35


本帖最后由 99995 于 2015-8-30 10:21 编辑

[*]If you wish to receive the results at a different address from one of the addresses above,
the address need to be added to the check-auth address. For example, to send the results to:
[email protected] the sample message should be sent to
[email protected].
官方案例 验证DKIM,SPF

就是说我要发把结果转发到我QQ的话就是   发送邮件到”      check-auth-账号[email protected]   可是把这个地址添加在 OEM 邮件列表无法添加,求解


cliff84 发表于 2015-12-11 11:18:58

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 为何导入用户会失败?(已解决)